Wednesday 18 July 2012

Hebrew Names of GOD - in the Old Testament - the Jewish Bible; using the Newberry Bible Edition


Taken from the Newberry Bible (AV), Pickering and Inglis, London, c 1949

A NAME or title is expressive of nature and character. Each separate title of God may be regarded as one letter, complete indeed in itself, yet, when arranged and combined together, spelling out in full the one grand and wondrous Name of the God of the Bible.

The title EL (-God, singular) occurs about 250 times.
The first occurrence is In Genesis 14:18,19,20,22, "Most High -God (El), possessor of' heaven(s 2) and earth".
El signifies “ strong", "first".    It is the title, which shows God to be the Mighty One, the First Great Cause of all.
This title is generally connected with some one or more of the Divine attributes or perfections, such as:­
"Almighty God" Genesis 17:1
”Everlasting God” Genesis 21:33
“A jealous God" Exodus 20:5
"A God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He" Deuteronomy 32:4
"A great God, a mighty and a terrible" Deuteronomy 10:17
"The living God" Joshua 3:10
"A merciful God." Deuteronomy 4:31
"A faithful God." Deuteronomy 7:9
"A mighty and terrible God" Deuteronomy 7:21

The persons of the Godhead are three: Father; Son, and Spirit; but in nature and essence
God is one.

Each attribute of God is infinite - one infinite eternal love, one infinite almighty power, and so on; hence the attributes are connected generally with the name for God, El, in the singular number.

*ELOAH (God, singular), from ALLAH, to worship, to adore, presents God as the one supreme object of worship, the Adorable One.
It occurs about 56 times
First, in Deuteronomy 32:15  "Then he forsook Eloah, which made him"; again, 32:17 "They sacrificed to devils, not to Eloah".   It s very frequently used in. the Book of Job.

The corresponding title to the Hebrew word Eloah is in the Chaldee language ELAH (God, singular) or ELAHAH, emphatic.   It is found In the Books of Ezra and Daniel 77 times, and always in the singular.
The Chaldee portions of the Scriptures occur in Ezra and Daniel, with one verse in Jeremiah 10:11.

ELOHIM (God, plural of Eloah) occurs about 2500 times; first, In Genesis 1:1, " In the beginning
God (three or more) created the (two) heavens and the earth.”
Here it is joined to a verb in the singular, "God (Elohim, plural) created" (singular), and shows Trinity acting in unity.                                       
It also frequently occurs with adjectives, pronouns, and verbs in the plural Genesis 1:26­, "And God (plural) said, Let Us make (plural) man in Our image (singular).”    Genesis 3:22, " as one of Us".   Genesis 20:13: " When God "caused me to wander."    Joshua 24:19: " He is a holy God (plural).”
The Chaldee form ELAHHAYAH occurs in Jeremiah 10:11 - applied to false gods.

JEHOVAH (The LORD). The title Jehovah occurs about 7000 times, but in the A.V. it is generally rendered "the LORD", and only occasionally "Jehovah", as Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4. It is also found in combination with another word, such as Jehovah-jireh, Genesis 22:14; Jehovah-nissi, Exodus 17:15; Jehovah-shalom, Judges 6:24, in all 7 times.   It is rendered "LORD" 6800 times; GOD 800 times, in the AV.

It first occurs in connexion with Elohim, in Genesis 2:4, “The LORD God (plural) - Jehovah Elohim - made”.   It is first used alone in Genesis 4:1 and 3.

The signification is: He that always was, that always is, and that ever is to come.   We have it thus translated and interpreted in Revelation 1:4, "From Him which is" (present participle, the Ever-existing One), "and which was" (imperfect tense, expressing continuance in the past), "and which is to come" (present participle, the Coming One, ever to come).

It is a combination in marvellous perfection of the three periods of existence in one word: the future, the present, and he past.

First, Yehi: “He will be”, long tense; second Hove, “being” participle; third, Hahyah, “He was”, short tense used in the past.

Taking the first three letters of Yehi, Yeh, the two middle letters of Hove, ov, and the last two letters of hahyah, ah, we have Yehovah, or Jehovah, in full Yeh-ov-ah.
[Currently thought of as: Yahweh]

EHYAH ASHER EHYEH    Literally, "I will be that I will be", Exodus 3:14.    But as the so-called future or long tense expresses not simply the future, but also and especially continuance, the force is: “I continue to be, and will be, what I continue to be, and will be”.

EHYEH,  "I AM," literal1y, "I will be" Exodus 3:14.   But in force and meaning: “I that ever will be”; “the Ever-existing One”.

JAH (the LORD).   This title occurs 49 times, and only in the Books of Exodus, Psalms, and Isaiah.

Its first occurrence is in Exodus 15:2, “The LORD (Jah) is my strength and my song”.
It is often associated with the words "praise ye" in the word “HALLELUJAH”; “Praise ye Jah".   
It is found in Jewish surnames.

This title is expressive of eternal existence.   It is the title of God, as Inhabiting eternity, to whom past, present, and future is one eternal NOW.

It is composed of the first and last letters of the name JEHOVAH or YEHOVAH, YH, with the Central vowel A: Jah, or Yah.

It is a sublime title; see Psalm 68:4, "Extol Him that rides upon the heavens (or the void spaces of infinitude)”.   “By His name JAH (the Eternal One)”, “and rejoice before Him”.

The word for heavens here is not the usual word, but a word expressive of desolateness – space untenanted and void.   He indwells infinitude and eternity.

The title JAH or YAH is at once one of the sublimest yet simplest of the Divine names.
"The simplest form of speech which infant lips, can try”; yet expressive of God's infinitude.

EL SHADDAY – God(singular) Almighty(plural, three or more), or God All Sufficient.

This title combines the singular title EL with the plural title SHADDAY.

It occurs in combination, “God Almighty”, or “the Almighty God” 7 times, and alone, “the Almighty”, 41 times, chiefly in the Book of Job.   Its first occurrence is in Genesis 17:1, "I am the Almighty (plural) God (singular)”.

ADON ("Lord” – singular): Lord, Master, Possessor, Proprietor.   The root either DUN, to rule, govern or judge, or from ADEN, a base.

ADON occurs about 30 times.   The first occurrence is in Exodus 23:17, “Three times in the year all the males shall appear before the ADON JEHOVAH”.

ADONAHY (“Lord", plural): Lord, or Master   In this form used only as a Divine title, and different from ADONAY, plural of ADON.   The one is ADONAHY, the other ADONAY.
ADONAHY occurs about 290 times.   The first occurrence is Genesis 15:2,8, "And Abraham said, ‘ADONAHY JEHOVAH.’"


JEHOVAH-HOSEENU: "Jehovah our Maker" Psalm 95:6
JEHOVAH-JIREH: "Jehovah will see”, or “provide”, Genesis 22:4
JEHOVAH-ROPHECA: "Jehovah that healeth thee", Exodus 15:26
JEHOVAH-NISSI: “Jehovah my banner”, Exodus 17:15
JEHOVAH-MEKADDISSKEM: “Jehovah that sanctifies you”, Exodus 31:13, Leviticus 20:8, 21:8, 22:9,16,32; Ezekiel 20:12

JEHOVAH-ELOHEENU: “Jehovah our God”, Psalm 99:5,7,9
JEHOVAH-ELOHEKA: “Jehovah your God”, Exodus 20:2,5,7
JEHOVAH-ELOHAY: “Jehovah my God”, Zechariah 14:5
JEHOVAH-SHALOM: “Jehovah send peace”, Judges 6:24
JEHOVAH-TSEBAHOTH: “Jehovah of Hosts (Heaven’s Armies)”, 1 Samuel 1:3, etc

JEHOVAH-ROHI: “Jehovah my shepherd”, Psalm 23::1
JEHOVAH-HELEYON: “Jehovah most high”, Psalm 7:17, 47:2, 97:9
JEHOVAH-TSIDKEENU: “Jehovah our righteousness”, Jeremiah 23:6, 33:16
JEHOVAH-SHAHMMAH: “Jehovah is there”, Ezekiel 48:35


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