Monday, 5 February 2024




Sometimes Jewish folk are heard to ruminate on their wish that the Lord had chosen someone else. God always appears to be punishing them. This has not only been true in recent centuries, but throughout their history.

1. Satan hates GOD'S work and HIS people - so the Devil causes them as much trouble as GOD allows. This shows which side antagonists of the Jews are on!

2. God is punishing His People! Here is a short list: the result of worshipping of the Golden Calf at Sinai, following Achan's sin at Jericho, the rebellion of Korah, Datham, Abiram, plus 250 others, against Moses, murmuring against GOD, the Nation under King Saul, the Exile of Israel and Judah, and the occupation by various Empires (Assyrian, Babylonian, Mede-Persian, Greek, Roman, etc). There was the colossal destruction of Jerusalem with its Temple, and the 2,000 year dispersion of the Jews to many parts of the world – in AD 70, by the troops under General, later Emperor, Titus. Always there was a judgment connected with moral and spiritual failure. One must wonder what was the cause in AD 70? Then the Pogroms, the Holocaust, and the vicious massacre of October 7th 2023. What are they doing wrong? Moses' Song in Deuteronomy 32 is worth reading.

The greatest priviledge on Earth is to be one of God's Chosen People; but it brings with it the greatest resposibility of all - being faithful to God, His revelation, and His Covenant. God will be faithful to His part of the Covenant!