Friday, 9 September 2016

The Church today, Magazine, Introduction, Current Affairs in the Church, Jokes, and Interesting Notes


The Church today, Introduction, Current Affairs in the Church, Jokes, and Interesting Notes             

The Incarnation, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ constitute the greatest series of events in Earth's History - far greater than the Creation of the Cosmos and Life.
      God would not have started Creation without the assurance of that Christ would suffer for our sins.
We should not overlook God's passionate approach to: His love for us, and righteous judgement.              


When viewing on the browser Microsoft Edge, right click gives the option of the text being read.  Two special Items are: Art Work 2013 December, and *****Good News 2016 January.  Please recommend to others!


“The Lands of the Bible Today”, Experience 44 places in Scripture and photos, by Dave Branon, Our Daily Bread, USA, 2020

This is a fine up-to-date, well illustrated, informed, homely little book, on biblical locations.  It should be obtainable from national ODB Offices.


“EVOLUTION’S Blunders, Frauds, and Forgeries”, Jerry Bergman PhD, 2017, Creation Book Publishers, US

This is a very sad book as most will have grown up with a trust of Science; “Intellectual Honesty” being a watchword of our education. I have learned a new word: ‘putative’, meaning supposed – it occurs too frequently to count, in this book – so often scientists have made proclamations in this field, without any convincing experimental observable evidence.

Consensus opinion is not always the guide to good science.  Take Lord Lister, with hospital wards named after him: his Carbolic Acid Spray saved many lives, whist the patients of his army of opponents invariably died.  And what happened to phlogiston?

Evolutionists often rubbish Creationists as not being really qualified academics.  Our author has nine degrees – including two PhD’s, and five Masters. He has 800 publications in 12 languages to his name!

Details from his chapter headings give a clue to the scope of this iceberg tip study: pervasive forgery in paleoanthropology (fossil remains relating to human history), the missing link that never existed, the Ancon sheep blunder, Darwin’s peacock’s tail myth, Haeckel’s false Biogenetic Law, the Piltdown Man hoax, human to ape that turned out to be a pig, false popular icon graphics, and failed human-ape hybridization.  Reputations were sometimes built on small remains such as a tooth and skull part.  Agatha Christie might well have found inspiration here.



The highly qualified scientists at Creation Ministries, although covering a wide spectrum of opinion, have agreed on the following: creation .com (Web Site on Google etc), “A biblical and scientific approach to Climate Change”. To be serious, it is best to read the full article.

Here is my non-scientific crude summary:

Global air temperatures changes have risen from -0.2 to +0.68°C from 1860 to 2010.

The planet has warmed by about 0.8°C since 1880 and half of this warming occurred before there was any significant change in the CO2 (that is, this part of the warming could not be due to human activity).

There is a highly questionable, if not sinister, amount of fake news.

Note the following:

By 1970 we were warned, there would be another Ice Age

The United Nations warned that by 1989 sea level rises would cause whole nations to be wiped out

By 2007 Australia will have a serious water shortage: in fact there was serious flooding.  The same Australian scientist said there would be no Polar Ice Caps; none by 2013 – all gone by 2014.

2019 Aussie bush fires were not unprecedented; 1938-39, and 1974-75, were far worse than in 2019.

CO2 1860-2020, 50% rise in 160 years = 2% per annum now

Greenhouse gases prevent ~33°C fall

Water vapour is critical, but never mentioned.

Sydney Harbour rose 4 inches in 100 years – estimated 12 inches in the next 100 years


Secular scientists are reluctant to admit the Biblical Flood: even though there is a large body of geological, anthropological evidence in ancient traditions, the older Chinese alphabet, and Egyptian culture. Land is still rising due to this event and its adjacent Ice Age.  The UK is tilting, and much of Holland is below sea level, and coping very well.

4. Doubling the CO2 would scientifically cause a rise of 1°C, which would be beneficial.6. There is not an overall climate emergency.  7. Radical cure policies will hurt the poor. 

Climate change caused by fossil fuel burning is unfounded in sound science.

The Sri Lankan economy has been wrecked by extreme “greenism”.  Holland could go the same way.

[Britain has experienced numerous fluctuations in temperature: The Warm Atlantic period, c3,000-4,000 BC, (‘Flora Britanica’ by Richard Maby); the freezing of the River Thames – AD,  two in the fifteenth century, four in the sixteenth, including 1537, and 1564, King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour crossed the Greenwich Palace on horseback, 1657-58, 1677, 1683-84, 1740, 1814 after which the course of the river was made deeper.  Thriving businesses took place on the hugely thick ice (‘Weatherland’, by Alexandra Harris).]

Help for a Dying Church

1.      A Congregation must do what it should always be about: Witnessing the Good News to its neighbourhood – the Apostolic Preaching of the Kerugma to the Outsiders. I recently received an envelope, addressed to the house only, containing a carefully hand written note inviting me to enquire about an heretical sect. Someone had gone to a lot of effort to offer their concept of help to me.  Several years ago I leafleted the parish with Gospel Tracts and invitations to attend services, and contact details.

2.      Persuade the Elderly, that they were once young and probably helped at the time through outreach by older church members.  It is not asking for practical help: but for the right attitude, and organised prayer investment.

3.      The age groups and titles are important: following Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.  Let them choose their own nomenclature, time and place of meeting.

4.      Choose leaders: probably drafting some from other fellowships; beware of unskilled volunteers taking charge.

5.      Include “normal” activities – like trips out etc – to outdo secular clubs.

6.      It should be in a safe place, giving quality time, and friends bringing more friends – encourage this!  In two groups I know, such bonding persist – not at Bible Reading and Witnessing level, however.  Gifted graduates of the group can be promoted to help.

7.      You probably make the building(s) available for Community use – that helps in the background.

8.      Involve parents with care – not to run the show their way.

9.      Urban Saints (the old Crusaders) may offer some good ideas on their Web Site; or indeed, any successful congregation.



Rick Warren [writer of the famous book, “Purpose Driven Church”] discussing this subject with Nicky Gumble at Holy Trinity Brompton Leaders’ Conference, c 2011

You need to actually feel the immense love which God the Trinity has for us; sense some part of the unknowable agape.

Be such a loving Kirk that the neighbourhood is overwhelmed by your internal, congregational agape, and your practical care for outsiders.


Have a faith in Yahweh for great things – have a goal – a dream.  Remember God will always be committed to doing MORE (Ephesians 3:20).

Are you a Risk Taker, a Caretaker, OR an Undertaker!

Never compare statistics with other Kirks – 20 of you in a hamlet of 200 people is 10%; that equates with thousands in a nearby city.


1.      Worship – this is more than singing hymns: it is a thrust of the heart and spirit

2.      Fellowship of a closely knit group – either as a mid-week Bible Study, or Pastoral Visits: in addition to Sunday services

3.      Discipleship – teaching towards a maturity of all: recognising and using the spectrum of gifts

4.      Ministry – serving a local and international field – often in practical ways

5.      Evangelism – reaching out with the Word of God – there are millions of ways ...

 A lack of this five pronged balance is all too often the fail point of a fellowship!

To flesh out these five areas

1.      Worship: a congregation must ever be concerned to develop its deep heartfelt thanksgiving and praise from the heart, of its Members.  Add your own personal responses to parts of any Liturgy.  Consciously sing our praise to the Lord Jesus and the Father in Heaven.

2.      Koinonia (Greek) is the quality friendship within a congregation.  Over meals is helpful. A vigorous survey within Methodism found that Bible Study/Home Groups are essential to growth in its various forms.

3.      Hidden gifts need to be brought into use, and good teaching leading to spiritual growth of every member.

4.      This kind of ministry will develop differently in each church family. As a last resort, a circular letter, with a clear Gospel strap line, might be delivered to every house in the Parish, saying that unless there is an improvement in attendance, the Church will be closed.  Should this actually take place, an official approach could be made to Holy Trinity Brompton, London, to see if they would be interested in taking over the building.  This has successfully happened around the UK.

5.    My Blogs on the Good News, and the Courier, give much advice, from many sources. Prayer is essential, as in the following statements of the Lord Jesus:

Matthew 9:38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Luke 10:2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. He virtually said next, “You, you, and you!”               It is not a case of adding numbers, but rather adding disciples.  It is helpful to consider who we aim to attract, and particularly, which age group.  For instance: many church buildings are by a much used road.  One next to an Angling Facility had a poster about Join us to become Fishers of People.  A poster might invite people, of whatever age group, to make contact via phone, Social Media, or QR symbol. This could lead to an informal discussion in a pub, café, or nearby home, rather along the lines of “Exploring Christianity”, or “Alpha”. Holding forth the Word of Life: please have an ever changing Gospel statement Bible quotation!





1. Introduction 

29th October, 2020

I apologise, if this note is in any way inappropriate, but I am trying to save time and effort at a difficult time for the family. 

Florence has been failing in health for some time, but wonderfully cared for, and supported, by Family and Friends, Springhill Hospice at Home, District Nurses, Care4U, Routes, and our Village Medical Practice.  At 14.05 hrs today (Tuesday, 29 October, 2020) she quietly slipped away.

I have so much to thank and praise God for, in bringing, and keeping us, together for these fifty-nine truly remarkable years. 

Two Meaningful quotations:

Therefore we are always confident and know that …. We live by faith, not by sight.  We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So we make it our goal to please him.  2 Corinthians 5:6-9

Quite remarkably in my somewhat sequential reading of the Scriptures, in this morning’s devotions, I came to this passage:

 “Son of man, with one blow I am about to take away from you the delight of your eyes …. my wife died.”  Ezekiel 24:16 – 18

My serious thought in the following months of bereavement: Philippians 3:13b-14  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Amplified Bible: one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.

J. B. Phillips, New Testament in Modern English: But I do concentrate on this: I leave the past behind and with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead I go straight for the goal - my reward the honour of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

It is not a good thing to dwell too much on the past and its memories.

Cf Springhill Hospice, Rochdale


I was brought up in a keen Methodist family – attending church and Sunday School until about 18.  I do not recall ever having heard the Gospel clearly explained in all this time, but I did learn much that was useful. 

When my father was on military service, during the Second World War, he ostensibly disappeared for almost a year - as he had warned us.   Aged ten, I was praying The Lord's Prayer, and a childhood prayer for my family, when I became aware of a person in the room, and saw a bright column of light - in spite of the thick Blackout curtains.   Although I was working on a copy of a Burne-Jones type of drawing of an angel, this was simply a column of light – not what I might have imagined.  I heard a voice saying that on the following day we would receive a letter from my Dad.   At half-past nine, I went outside to see my mother’s joy as she showed the letter to a neighbour.   My limited knowledge of probability reckoned that there was only one chance in about three hundred of the message coming true that day.   It prevented me from ever becoming “an honest atheist”.

As a student, I was waiting at a bus stop, thinking about the main issues of life.  Would my ambitions really satisfy: to be top in my sport, as a fighter pilot, and a famous artist?  Someone would do better.  Has anyone proved there is a Heaven or a Hell – life after death?  Is there certain victory in temptation – my record was not good, and could land me being killed, or put in prison – there was one just two miles down the road.  Has anyone proved to me there is a God?  To be wrong on this would be life’s greatest mistake.  I remembered the text: 
Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  So I prayed along these lines: “If there is a God up there, and you said this; I am giving you a fortnight to prove your existence!”  Within the day, I had indications; but the real proof was the vision of the angel.

Trying Theosophy and Séances etc offered very ungodly guidance, and at the former, the leader said: “We do not know the way to God – that is why we come here.”  Talking to a lady as I left, the words of Jesus came to mind: “I am the way, the Truth, and the Life.”

Compulsory military service brought much spare time – to read the Bible and pray, in the station church.  One morning, I saw a clear picture of myself falling down a deep shaft – a true portrait of myself deserving Hell for my sins.  On a ledge was Jesus holding out His arms to save me: I grasped His hands, but it was His strength which held me!  I heard the Holy Spirit saying: “You are prepared to trust Jesus as Lord and Teacher, but you need Him as Saviour!”

One day, I read The Acts of the Apostles chapter 10.  How the Holy Spirit fell on the household of a senior non-commissioned officer, and they spoke in tongues (unlearn foreign languages).  I thought: "I would like that;" and it happened to me, just briefly.

I have found following Christ exciting and thoroughly resolved, as to the true meaning of life and existence.

Many kind people helped me: two Christians at RAF Square-bashing at Hednesford, who argued with me, the pale girl via Hull Art College, who greeted me at an evangelistic rally "Nice to see you. Are you saved?" the chaplain, who let me use the station Church and his vestry, John Isherwood, who explained Justification by Faith from Romans, my Squadron Leader, who worried about me; and many more, over the years.

A Christmas Party game with an Ouija Board gave an answer: DBWNO.  My friends said it was not working and stopped, but these were my initials followed by "no".

In 1952, a large open air communion service in Wednesford, drew my attention to the words: "The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World".

I tried Meditating - the subject from a book I was reading led me to see that Jesus's death on the Cross could influence my life today.

An official military Moral Leadership Course run by a fine team of Royal Air Force Chaplains, found me in a discussion group looking at "God's Grace".  Many Scriptures were listed, and I was volunteered to give the report - even though not a Christian.  A Sergeant said I could not be a Christian and an Artist.  I was willing to give up my Art College training; but noticed that the Bible actually condemned "bowing down and worshiping" idols.

Good friends have made my life much richer.

The process leading to conversion was quite a long one.

Letter to the Romans 10:9-11 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 
As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”

Please pray for my Blogging Work.

Help for a Dying Church

1.      A Congregation must do what it should always be about: Witnessing the Good News to its neighbourhood – the Apostolic Preaching of the Kerugma to the Outsiders. I recently received an envelope, addressed to the house only, containing a carefully hand written note inviting me to enquire about an heretical sect. Someone had gone to a lot of effort to offer their concept of help to me.  Several years ago I leafleted the parish with Gospel Tracts and invitations to attend services, and contact details.

2.      Persuade the Elderly, that they were once young and probably helped at the time through outreach by older church members.  It is not asking for practical help: but for the right attitude, and organised prayer investment.

3.      The age groups and titles are important: following Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.  Let them choose their own nomenclature, time and place of meeting.

4.      Choose leaders: probably drafting some from other fellowships; beware of unskilled volunteers taking charge.

5.      Include “normal” activities – like trips out etc – to outdo secular clubs.

6.      It should be in a safe place, giving quality time, and friends bringing more friends – encourage this!  In two groups I know, such bonding persist – not at Bible Reading and Witnessing level, however.  Gifted graduates of the group can be promoted to help.

7.      You probably make the building(s) available for Community use – that helps in the background.

8.      Involve parents with care – not to run the show their way.

9.      Urban Saints (the old Crusaders) may offer some good ideas on their Web Site.  Take advice from developing congregations.       



Resources St Helen’s, Bishopsgate

Church Society free listening on Sound Cloud

Talking Theology Podcast (Cranmer Hall, Durham University)

CEEC “The Beautiful Story”

YouTube/Benefice of Littleborough

St Michael le Belfrey, York

All Souls Langham Place: Media

Episodes Simply Put (short teaching chats on key topics)

Christ Church Network, Newland

Christ Church Fulwood – Resources Talks

Anglican Unscripted (twice weekly)

Go and Tell Ministries (Wayne Hudson a Rochdale chap)

Roger Carswell (a long-standing friend)

Christian Medical Comment

Living Out (a balanced guidance on sexual issues in today's Church)

    Please let me know if any do not work.

LIST OF BLOGS: click on the arrowheads of the appropriate year and month, then on the title you wish to view - all on the Blog Archive, top right.  Browsers have the offer of translations....  It may help to print this detailed list.

2016 April 

2016 July 
this List 2 pages

2015 July

2015 January
2014 February
A great prison Revival in Colombia    2 pages

2014 January
Tongues - and what we need to know 13 pages

2013 December
Art Work 
Compassion - Bowels of Mercy  4 pages

2013 September
Submission and Authorities for Christians  27 pages

2013 July
Chart of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit   1 page

2013 June
Preaching - my thoughts after the 60 years given to me by God's Grace  3 pages

2013 May
Islamic Edited Debate: Deedat versus Rev Swaggart 16 pages
God of judgement, God of grace  4 pages

2013 January
Healing from God  27 pages
Miracles by God's Grace  10 pages
Yes, there should be apostles today!  27 pages
Prophecy: a key part of Church Life  12 pages

2016 January
*****Good News 

Teaching in Christian Churches  12 pages
Encouraging - the godly gift  2 pages
Leadership in Christ's Church, as He would like it - Pastors and Church Leaders  9 pages

2012 November
Old Testament and the complex Christian and Jewish views   19 pages

2012 October
Angels  15 pages

2012 September
The Bible – its Authority for Today   [403 MB] 99 pages

2012 August
Jaimeson J. Wilkinson   2 pages

2012 July
End of the World Chart  1 page
KENOSIS: Christ the willing Slave of Yahweh; Christians willing slaves of Christ  10 pages
Power of the NAME in prayer   15 pages
Enemies, Suffering, Oneness, Victory and Thanksgiving   19 pages
The Names of God - in the Old Testament   4 pages
JESUS, and Judgments in The Book of Revelation   5 pages
Heaven, and how to get there; the uses of various terms in Scripture   42 pages
Hell: meaning the Grave, or Eternal Judgement; and how to avoid the latter   34 pages
Guidance: Divine Guidance - the great privilege and adventure   6 pages
Bread and Wine – the Body and Blood of Jesus    15 pages
Brazil Football shirt   2 pages

2012 June 
European Art History - Key figures from a Christian point of view    [90.5 KB] 17 pages
The Menorah Fragment, a novel. [Both novels were written for a friend and family member.]   [439 KB]   90 pages

2012 May
Corinthian Slave - a novel looking at the letters in the New Testament   [434 KB]   139 pages
John Wesley preaching at Robin Hood's Bay, Some Strange Phenomena, and views on Revival   3 pages
Archaeology and the Bible - an eclectic study    [90 KB]   34 pages

"For by grace you are saved, through faith—and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."
Ephesians 2:8-9

As long as there is life, there is hope of mercy and a new life.
A senior Judge was asked if he hoped to go to heaven: "I would plead guilty, and throw myself on the mercy of the Court."

We are all faced with the colossal issue of the huge significance of Salvation, and the terrifying nature of Eternity in Hell Fire. 

Thank you for visiting this Blog Site. 
Please pray for me and my work here, pass the word around - to your family, friends, church, neighbours, and enemies. Thanks to those who have already done so. I need all the help I can get - please be free to advise me! You are also free to translate into other languages.  Please recommend these articles to people in other countries.

It would help, if you Bookmark the Blog Site on your Browser, print out this shortlist; and save the longer Blogs into your own Document Files. To search for a word, use the box which appears when you hold down the Ctrl key, and press the letter f .   Please make responsible use of the information in these pages: I am your servant for Christ's sake.  

My aim is to address issues which inhibit the Church Spiritual of the Lord Jesus Christ – Worldwide, National, and Local.  My acronym for BLOG is: Biblical Literacy Offering Good-news.


'And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Acts 2:21
John 6:37 'All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.'

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, salvation is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.  (Ephesians 2:8,9 NIV, Amplified)


 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)


We are saved by grace, and we serve by grace.
God's love for you is more than you can ever measure (God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).



We have a choice between two religious/philosophical ideas – both are non-experimental (as is true Contemporary Science) but are Historical Science, which cannot be seen or examined in progress.  Under consideration are such parts as: Creation of the Cosmos (astronomers now find clusters of galaxies), and Design of the DNA processes.  Either it is a case of Accident/Chance, OR the work of God.  Both are in our imagination.  Of the two ideas, the latter is obviously the more intellectual and likely, and has less risk (because He has communicated with us, and is going to hold us accountable and be our Judge).  Life is unfortunately, for the Evolutionist, not Energy plus Matter only; it is also, vitally, Information (which requires a writer). QED


“999 A State of Emergency”, by Di Hoskins (Merchant Banker, Jewish Christian, the small book is very evangelistic, tells of her conversion, and considers carefully the Return of Christ; she is now with the Lord in Glory)
This is a highly recommended book, and offered for free via the magazine mentioned below: 
The magazine of “Prophetic Witness Ministries International”, which amounts to a Peer Group Review, the publication is obtained by emailing to:
You might like to write along these lines:

I have heard of this kind offer via the Prophetic Witness Movement International.  My full address is ...............  Thank you so much, if you could kindly send me a copy.

“Story Bearer” How to share your faith with friends, Phil Knox, IVP, London 2020

As each generation of churchgoers has its inspirational book: “Sacrifice” by Howard Guinness, “Who Moved the Stone”, by Frank Morison, “God’s Smuggler”, by Brother Andrew, etc; this book could be the current one.

With almost four pages of recommendations by the eminent, to quote just one might have been sufficient.

This is a remarkable, entertaining, yet serious book which is to be read carefully.  The theme is obviously “tell your story” to a waiting needy World, is balanced with anecdotes, factual and rational content.  Its surveys are fascinating: Gutenberg Press to Google Browser, Old Testament, Jesus’s Story, the iPhone Age, and Social Media.  If it does not change you, I will be surprised.

There is copious Internet support for House Groups: video sessions and outlines. Why not give this site a try?

Christian books can be purchased from in Cheshire.

May I recommend a brilliant book by my good friend Rev Dr Daniel Mathano Mwailu.
“To Be Like Jesus” An Appraisal of Biblical Theology in Practice of Personal and Ministerial Spiritual Formation, WestBow Press, USA, 2019

Its 384 pages give an academic well researched approach to this important area, but at the same time illustrate the important points with fascinating anecdotes from his life and wide experience in Kenya, America, and Britain.  On finishing the last page, my disappointment was that I had come to the end of this gripping page-turner.  I had been challenged and taught.

 Same Sex Attraction, LGBTQI+ Movement

The World outside the Church must make its own laws – and take the consequences and/or good fortunes.  Similarly, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must be free and disciplined, to obey the understanding of the Scriptures.

… don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” James 4:4 b

 “O LORD, we and our kings, our princes and our fathers are covered with shame because we have sinned against you. 9 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him; 10 we have not obeyed the LORD our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets. ”  Daniel 9:8 ff

The LGBTQI+ Lobby now seems to dominate Government, parts of the Church, Judiciary, and Education at all levels.  These notes are a voice crying in the Wilderness, the opinion of Christian orthodoxy, for the Church only - Scripture, the Reformation Martyrs, even at times of Judaism and Islam.   I believe young children are being given misleading, distressing, abusive, and unscientific information, in the name of LGBTQI+.  I would be please to have a warm drink and a chat with any LGBTQI+ person.

A communication from a lady who stands-up to protect children from indoctrination in schools, and in the media.  My family and I are being targeted by radical LGBT activists and their globalist cronies who have hacked a computer, bullied my children (even threatening to throw acid on one), targeted my parents' home, and now again hauled me into to court with false charges of anonymously “misgendering.”


PSALM 119:1 How blessed are those whose way is blameless,
Who walk in the law of the LORD.
PS 119:2 How blessed are those who observe His testimonies,
Who seek Him with all their heart.
PS 119:3 They also do no unrighteousness;
They walk in His ways.
PS 119:4 You have ordained Your precepts,
That we should keep them diligently.
PS 119:5 Oh that my ways may be established
To keep Your statutes!
PS 119:6 Then I shall not be ashamed
When I look upon all Your commandments.
PS 119:7 I shall give thanks to You with uprightness of heart,
When I learn Your righteous judgments.
PS 119:8 I shall keep Your statutes;
Do not forsake me utterly!

The saddest book in the Bible is Judges.  Here is Israel at its most decadent – a warning to the degenerate parts of the Church of today.  The final words of Judges: "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes."  We do well to identify with characters in the Scriptures: are we like the Disciples, the Sadducees, or the Pharisees; Moses on Mount Sinai, or Aaron giving in to popular opinion, idolatry and lying?

It is a sad thing when some people in the Church, call evil, good: and righteousness evil.  There are those whose attitude to the Scriptures is: ignorance, underestimation, and ungodly.

It is GOD'S duty and right to set moral rules for HIS Creation.  Also, He is all-knowing, loving, and all-wise: we humans are ignorant and infantile compared with the God Who inhabits Eternity.  GOD decides on Divine Law: not the Royal Family, President, Prime Minister, Government, Dictator, Ayatollah, Bishop, Synod, Brahmin, Dalai Lama, Media and Press, Novelists, Theologians, Philosophers, Scientists, Atheists, Secularists, Humanists, Zealots, Extremists, Totalitarian Ideologies, Opinion Polls, or Zeitgeist.

Jesus’s suffering and death was to atone for all sin, including same sex practice and relationship.  Our sins, in a sense, add to Christ’s suffering.  We should hate the sin, but love the sinners like ourselves.  The temptation of same-sex-attraction is not a sin in itself, unless we encourage it.

The difficult Church Synods and deliberations about Same-Sex Marriage - in the UK, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the United Reform Church - it is strange that the LGBTQI+ lobby wants understanding and freedom of expression, but does not appear to allow it to the other parties always. In civilization there should be freedom of speech and freedom of thought - perhaps where it is not intended to hurt  There can be no real belief in God here: popular opinion is given greater authority than God's Word. Is this Ortho-phobia?  In February 2017, a group of retired Bishops in the UK joined in an open letter to say that the LGBTQI+ guys are not being listened to: when are Church Leaders going to say that God the Almighty is not being listened to?  In the Ten Commandments, Sexual Sin comes between Murder and Theft.  Same Sex Attraction is not of itself a sin in Scripture, but its practice and fantasizing are.  Adultery and fornication, receive most attention, but Same Sex Practice is nevertheless mentioned, as I list following.  My estimation is that for one Homosexual Act, there may be about 50 Adulterous, and about 1,000 Fornicatory, in today’s society; what do you think?

God loves every human, and we should aim to do the same – loving the sinner, but hating the sin – God’s second love is Justice, His third is Righteousness.  We are all sinners: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)  The LGBT lobby are on the crest of the wave – to hurt their feelings could result in arrest and punishment.  We should pray that public opinion will not turn violently against them, as it might indeed.

To encourage others to sin is most evil: murder, burglary, mugging, extortion, blackmail, kidnap, under-age grooming, adultery, fornication, same sex practice; some will also be criminal.

The Old Testament Prophets, Our Lord, and His Apostles did not follow common, popular, thinking - Zeitgeist: they were Counter Cultural.  Where are many of our Church Leaders today?  In the context of Church History, Same-Sex relationships within the Kirk would be seen as serious heresy; imagine if it had been found in the second century church.

Sexual sins would have resulted in excommunication from the fellowships in the church through most of its history, and to some extent today, in parts of the World - delivering to Satan, but with the hope of repentance and restoration.  [adultery, fornication, pedophilia, same sex relationships, incest, and bestiality].

Some argue that Jesus never gave detailed prohibitions - but He did - by endorsing the Law (of Moses, as in the Old Testament), which powerfully condemns sexual deviations.  On the whole, Jesus only amended parts which require redefinition.  In a stricter sense, some evil practices were linked by Jesus to sinful thoughts (Matthew 5:17-20; Leviticus 18:22-25; 20:13; Romans 1:24-27: 1 Corinthians 6:9).  It is my opinion, that those who teach, encourage, or practise, such sexual deviations, as are condemned in the Law of the Old Testament, which is endorsed by the Messiah, should not take the Eucharist or call themselves followers of Christ.

Matthew 7:15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." [These wolves appear like members of the flock - of the Kirk.]

Matthew 5:17-19
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them.  I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female.’ 

Leviticus 18:22-29 “ ‘Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.
“ ‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
“ ‘Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled.
Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants.
But you must keep my decrees and my laws. The native-born and the aliens living among you must not do any of these detestable things, for all these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled. And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.
“ ‘Everyone who does any of these detestable things—such persons must be cut off from their people.' "

See also: Deuteronomy 22 and 23.

Again: Matthew 5:17-19 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

The vote followed a debate at Synod (Scottish Episcopal Church). Ian Ferguson of the Diocese of Orkney said introducing the change: “would be like saying Jesus got it wrong. It is beyond belief to say that Jesus was only talking to the times that he lived in. We will be disobeying Jesus; changing the doctrine of marriage is a schismatic move that will damage our relations with our sisters and brothers throughout the Anglican Communion. “

Mark 7:20-23 Jesus went on: “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean.’ 
For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 
All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.’ ”  ["sexual immorality" is the Greek word porneia, which was any form of sexual activity outside marriage, and would be understood to forbid homosexuality]

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. 

Ephesians 5:5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a man is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Psalm 119:53 Indignation grips me because of the wicked, who have forsaken your law.

Psalm 119:138 The statutes you have laid down are righteous; 
they are fully trustworthy. 

A Psalm attributed to Daniel, who faced opposing opinions - putting his life at risk.  How can a true believer read this psalm and still practice or support LGBT? How can such, sing hymns extolling the Word of God.

Similarly, how can such an individual read the high view of God's word in Psalm 19, and still renounce it?

2 Corinthians 4:2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

Romans 1:18-end of chapter addresses this apostasy.

Genesis 2:24 portrays true marriage: "leaving, cleaving and plumbing!"  The implication is clear: Same-Sex practice cannot fulfill this design as God gave it, and is not in any sense marriage.  What is the cost to our Health Services?  Some have had the wickedness to raise the matter of finance apropos Down's Syndrome people - quite a different concern!

Deuteronomy 22:5 A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

Leviticus 18:1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘I am the LORD your God. 3 You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. 4 You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the LORD your God. 5 Keep my decrees and laws, for the man who obeys them will live by them. I am the LORD.
Leviticus 18:22 “ ‘Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.
Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn.

Romans 3:4 ... Let God be true, and every man a liar. As it is written:
“So that You may be proved right when You speak
and prevail when You judge.”

See also: Jeremiah 2:8, 31; 3:25; 5:31; 6:10.16; 7:13; 8:5, 7-9; 9:13

Zechariah 7:13 When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,’ says the LORD Almighty.

Malachi 2:1-9

1 Chronicles 13:9 ff; 15:13-15  Keep to the instructions apropos carrying the Ark of the Covenant.

Matthew 15:8-9 “ ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.  They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.

Matthew 28:20 ... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

John 10:35 b  to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—

Romans 16:17-18 I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.  For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

Philippians 3:16-21 Only let us live up to what we have already attained. Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.  For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.  But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

2 Timothy 4:3-5 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. 
[That is immoral according to God's revealed definition: not Man's.]

Jude verses 4, 7, and 10 
4 For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. 
7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire. 
10 Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals—these are the very things that destroy them.  
[How are we placed relative to this Apostolic Teaching?]

Revelation 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 

And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

a) If it is fear of public opinion, we should take heed of: Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Dead fish go with the stream

b) In a survey c 2016 the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual people between the ages of 16 and 24 had seen an increase openness, but still represented only 3.5% of the UK population.

c) 2015 statistics from the Office of National Statistics (UK) show that 1.7% of the population are LGBT.  Why do they have such an influence on society - even in the Church of Christ?  

A national survey in the UK (Com Res) found 64% for, and 32% against, allowing Politicians to state that Gay Sex is sin. (Christian Institute, May 2017)

The 1967 Sexual Offences Act, UK -  decriminalised private homosexual acts between men; before it had been a crime, which could result in imprisonment.  In many nations it is still a crime.

Practising male homosexuals are being advised by the British Medical Association, to have the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination to reduce the risk of anal cancer.  In a letter from the BMA to the Health Minister: “The increasing incidence of HPV and development of anal lesions in gay men, particularly HIV positive gay men, is alarming.” (Viewed 24 January 2013, Christian Concern)

A Consultant in this field took early retirement, because he was so shocked, as are GP's, by the situation with same sex practice in men.  It is clear from Paul the apostle’s observation, that there have virtually always been serious medical conditions as a result of male homosexual practice (Romans 1:27 c)

d) OCT 2016, and see the House of Bishops 2020, A letter to Anglican Bishops from 88 evangelicals:
The letter states that “the Bible is clear” that God has given marriage between a man and a woman as “the only context” for a sexual relationship – a truth which cannot be considered of “secondary importance”.
It goes on to say that any change in teaching or practice, such as blessing same-sex relationships, would represent “a significant departure from our apostolic inheritance and the authority of the Bible in matters of faith and doctrine”.  It is seen as the “spirit of antichrist” by some.


"The New Testament condoned Slavery, but we have changed"
Which kind of slavery?  There were several ways in which people became slaves in ancient times, and even today: prisoners of war, poverty - rather than the work house or debtors' prison, born in slavery, KIDNAP.  This last kind required the Death Penalty in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 24:7) - and was the kind Wilberforce protested against, and is still found in the World today.  Freedom was encouraged (manumission).

1 Timothy 1:9-11 We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.  (The NLT has 'homosexuals' for 'perverts'; and a margin alternative translation for 'slave traders' namely, 'kidnappers'.  There are thirteen sins listed here.)

"Don't throw stones!"  This links with John 8:1-11 - the lady taken in adultery.  Jewish society and Jesus, saw this sexual deviation as sin; but within the context of sin generally - some far worse.  Throwing stones today in the Church is here referred to arguing against LGBTQI+ - a metaphorical use of the term 'stones'.  However, Jesus saw adultery as sin; He said to the lady: "Go and sin no more."  He did not support adulterers in their ways; He was offering compassion, forgiveness, mercy, and sanctification, as we should.

In the true sense, we cannot throw stones by having a cruel attitude.  We must love all, and seek to be truly helpful.  One dark winter's night in the city, following open air preaching in Cross Street, a gentleman spoke to me saying that he had just finished a prison sentence for murder.  Quite a conversation stopper.  I told him that I had committed a worse sin - much to his amazement.  The Ten Commandments have a descending order of seriousness - though all constitute God's Law (a small crack makes a window to be broken): I had totally failed to love God with all my heart, soul, and spirit; and still do fail in this the most seriousness of sins.

There are many other dimensions to character besides our sexuality.  Are we approachable, loving, kind, seeking God, tolerant of others, long-suffering, gracious, humble, well-informed: or are we unapproachable, hurting God, intolerant, impatient towards others, abrasive, rude, arrogant, ill-informed?

"Let God judge!"  Really, are you happy with that?  Jesus would have us warn the sinful, and offer them the Good News in Christ.  Should we shut Courts and Prisons?  Look at the Scriptures and History: "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God" - "Judgment begins at the House of God".  How has God treated the Jewish people?

"Get a life - you need to be up-to-date!"  Same sex liaisons, Gender Selection, Infanticide and Abortion, were very common in times past - in the c 13th century BC of Abraham, the Roman Empire of the First Century AD - it was at this time that the New Testament Gospels and Letters were written.

2 CHRONICLES 19:10 In every case that comes before you from your fellow countrymen who live in the cities—whether bloodshed or other concerns of the law, commands, decrees or ordinances—you are to warn them not to sin against the LORD, otherwise his wrath will come on you and your brothers. Do this, and you will not sin.

It does no harm
Even in the first century, physical harm was noted (Romans 1:27) "they suffered within themselves".  A Consultant had had enough of treating physical ailments caused in the lower parts of the digestive system, among practising homosexuals: he took early retirement....  Advocates in the Church should be prepared to see members of their own families suffer the consequences and upheavals - sons, daughters, wives, husbands, and parents.

"Get up-to-date, and drop the ancient out-of-date religious texts"  
The city of Sodom gave its name to Gay behaviour: Near Eastern Bronze Age (3150-1200 BC), Genesis 19 - actions before being written down.  They threatened GBH to Lot for standing against them.  Rome, in the First Century, saw a kind of LGBTQI society. Paul, writing towards the end of this century, stood against its ways, as led by the Holy Spirit in the writing of Scripture.

What about the love of David and Jonathan?  The Church today should be a place overwhelmed by love.  In the New Testament time there were FOUR types of love: family, friends, sexual, and sacrificial.  Only one involved sexual attraction. 

Same Sex Attraction (SSA), and same sex practice, have been known for many centuries; but only recently have they threatened to totally divide the Church of Christ worldwide.  The writers of these two small books have experienced SSA, individually, and both hold highly influential positions in the University City of Oxford (UK).  Their books are clear on definitions, and the powerful love of the Christian Gospel.

“Is God anti-gay?” (Revised and Expanded edition), Sam Allberry, Staff Member of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

“Transgender”, Vaughan Roberts, Rector St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford, UK

Together, both books cost £10 (post paid) from “Our Daily Bread”, Box 1, Carnforth, LA5 9ES, UK.   Telephone: UK 01539 564 149  
Publisher: thegoodbook Company, and there are Church Bookshops; and Amazon

g) Statistics
Christian Institute, 07 April 2017
“Percentage of LGBT staff at BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) six times higher than in the population

“The BBC employs a disproportionate amount of LGBT people and bases its employment quota on the notoriously flawed Kinsey report, it has emerged.”

h) Obedience to God
1 Corinthians chapter 5, gives a problem and a challenge to the Church and its professing members: to obey or disobey.  Here is a selection of commands from the Holy Spirit:

1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother [or sister] but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a person do not even eat. 12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked one from among you.”

2 Corinthians 11:4 For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted ...

James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. NIV
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. New RSV The longer quotation: James 3:13-4:10 is applicable.
[Here is a litmus test of true wisdom.  We should notice the antagonism against the orthodox Believers - such as the shouting down of Andrea Williams by the LGBT lobby at the York Synod of the Church of England in 2017, or the campaign to remove a Christian Mayor in County Durham (UK), even by the local press.]

i) At the 2018 Commonwealth Games, it was stated that LGBT people could, thankfully, be open.  This was contrasted with some Commonwealth nations which hold such practices to be illegal – may even carry the Death Penalty.  To be fair: other views should be tolerated – each side of the fence has a right to an opinion.

j) If the New York Giants are playing the Philadelphia Eagles, or India is playing Pakistan at cricket, the refereeing and umpiring is expected to be unbiased.  This is so often not the case in Western Nations today.

(k) "The view from the Moral High Ground is much better."  Una Stubbs, Actress, "Who do you think you are?" Programme, BBC

“Gay Girl, Good God”, Jackie Hill Perry, B&H, Nashville

Each month the Church Society recommends a book, via its Podcast site – in this case with the highest praise.  Her work has appeared in the “Washington Post”, and on “The 700 Club” – a writer, poet, and artist.  This is in fact an autobiography proving that fact is stranger than fiction; truth more romantic than artistry.  Its heat is not of the potato kind: but of the heart variety.

Written with great talent; the book must be read slowly, to appreciate its skillful use of words.  Rather than spoil the experience of reading Jackie’s book, perhaps you can unlock its theme from the title, to some extent.  The final section is a brilliant Bible Study.

Church Society Podcast, Episode 70, on the Internet

Cost of the book: £9.31, $16.99

For those in a legal, openly recognised, heterosexual marriage: a careful, Spirit-led, exegesis of The Song of Solomon will bring new dimensions to their marriage.


Those in the Church who support Same Sex Practice appear unwilling to repent, and are causing a split of Reformation proportions. Some flag a Red Card saying to Bible believing Christians: you cause me distress and will be responsible for my self-harm and possibly suicide; I am threatening to take legal action against you! This shuts down any open discussion. Proverbs says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend".  God's Word is loving and eternal! Orthodox Believers and God Himself are being hurt.

A wise piece of advice from Church Society, and Living Out:

“We must be consistent in our approach to church leadership, membership, and discipline.  Our treatment of people in gay relationships should be the same as people co-habiting, having affairs, dating non-christians, sinning within marriages, using porn etc. We must also emphasise other sins listed alongside sexual sin and ensure we hold leaders accountable in all areas. True equality and inclusivity means spurring one another on to Christlikeness, whatever our particular struggles.” 

3  When reading from the Gospels, try to imagine yourself in the crowd - watching, listening, and joining in.


Research of Pilate’s early life is difficult; but the least unlikely, suggests that the Roman Procurator - who sentenced the Lord Jesus, King of All Kings, to die - was born of a Pict mother and a Roman Ambassador father.  Fortingall village, in Perthshire, Scotland, is famous for its ancient yew tree – 5,000 years old, and one of the oldest living organisms in Europe.  Nearby is a ruined house known as Pilate’s home.  He is associated with playing under this ancient tree, as a boy.  The name Pilate could be related to the word Pict.

A sermon by Bill Crowder of “Our Daily Bread”, and Google/Wikipedia


 2 Timothy 4:21 “Do your best to get here before winter. Eubulus greets you, and so do Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers.”

 After presenting the case for Pontius Pilate being a Scot, I am now looking at the characters: Pudens, Linus, and Claudia, who are mentioned at the end of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, being Welsh, and connected to King Caratacus. (They are the names also given to the Snoopy cartoon characters.)  I have long been an admirer of the First Century Roman Historian Tacitus: “Histories” and “Annals” (Penguin Paperbacks), from which some of the information is gathered via Wikipedia.

Caratacus was a British chieftain who fought against Roman expansion in Britain, first from his fortress at Colchester, leading to a defeat.  We then hear of Caratacus in Tacitus’s “Annals”, leading the Silures and Ordivices of Wales against the Roman Governor, Publius Ostorius Scapular.  Finally, in AD 50, Scapula managed to overwhelm Caratacus in a set-piece battle somewhere in Ordovician territory, capturing Caratacus's wife and daughter and receiving the surrender of his brothers. Caratacus sought refuge in what is now Yorkshire, among the Brigantes, only to be betrayed by their Queen, Cartimandua, who sided with the Romans.  After capture, Caratacus was sent to Rome in chains as a war prize, presumably to be killed after being displayed as a captive in a triumphal parade; but he was allowed to speak to the Roman Senate.  Tacitus records a version of this speech in which he says, that his stubborn resistance made Rome's glory all the greater in defeating him. He made such an impression that he was pardoned and allowed to live peacefully in Rome.

With the defeat of Caratacus, much of southern Britain: from the Humber to the Severn, was pacified throughout the AD 50s and first ruled from Colonia Victricensis (Colchester).

Various traditions make Caratacus already a Christian before he arrived in Rome, Christianity having been brought to Britain perhaps by Joseph of Arimathea, a Merchant, or a Soldiers.  Relationships within this small group of early Believers, and with the Chieftain, are suggested by historians.

(2 Timothy 4:21 “Do your best to get here before winter. Eubulus greets you, and so do Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers”),

Wikipedia has almost too much information. 


Go to Google maps, via your Browser
Search for Lochinch Castle
View the area as a satellite photo – reduce in detail twice with the minus sign on the screen
Many miles below the satellite, and several thousand feet above the castle you can see a twin turbine airliner leaving a summer-time vapour trail.

However brilliant human ideas are they can always be improved upon.  In contrast: God’s ideas can never be improved on.

7 Imagine you are in Heaven - saved to be there, by the Sacrifice of Christ for you on the Cross.  As you look back to your life as it is today: what do you think about God's love and power towards you?  You will be overwhelmed by the huge dimensions of both.

Never lend what you're not prepared to lose.

9 When Cardinal Basil Hume was diagnosed as having terminal cancer, he rang his friend Timothy Wright, Abbot of Ampleford, who replied, “Congratulations! That’s brilliant news. I wish I was coming with you.”  The Cardinal said, “Thank you Timothy.  Everyone else has burst into tears.”

10 A particularly kind lady taking my order and debit card details over the phone, asked: "What is your expiry date?"  My reply: "I've no idea; but I'm looking forward to it."

11 Matthew 12:18 “Behold my servant whom I have chosen,
the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will proclaim justice to the nations."

This is a quotation of Isaiah 42:1.  In both the New Testament, and the Old Testament Septuagint translation, the Greek word for "Servant" is "pais", which can also mean "child".

12 "Reform" is a network of individuals and churches promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ by reforming the Church of England – "we are committed to growing a nation of healthy, local, Anglican churches and believe that the Bible clearly teaches that this is best done when men take self-sacrificial responsibility for the spiritual oversight of the domestic and church family."
Churches in the Reform network are 30% larger than average and a third have planted new congregations or churches in the past ten years.  This is where church growth is found, and the reason why!  In the five years to 2018, the group now including The Church Society, has seen a 27% increase in congregation members.  Cf.  RENEW Conference recorded talks

Although Muslims do not accept three paramount beliefs of the Church - that the Messiah is the Son of God, that Jesus (Isa) died on the Cross, and rose from the Dead to Ascend into Glory - they do believe three things in common: there is a Devil, and Shariah Law teaches that Christ Jesus can be prayed to for healing, and God can be invited to reveal truth by visions.  The God of Islam is clearly not the Yahweh God - Father , Son, and Holy Spirit of the Christian Faith, as revealed in the whole Bible - they could not be further apart. The Christian Godhead is an intimate, knowable, and loving Divinity.

14 On September 17th, 2017, the British Broadcasting Corporation made two significant points: in the Sunday Morning Service from a Church in Oxford, there was the Celebration of one hundred years since the ordination of the first lady theologian; secondly, 25% of British schools are breaking Statutory Government Law, by not teaching Religious Studies to all scholars - a contributing factor  being the shortage of RS teachers. 

The New Testament teaches that ladies are not to teach Doctrine to the whole Church – they are responsible for teaching children, and fellow women.

15 GOD’S love for the World is not “unconditional”:
John 15:10 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
GOD’S love for all people is “undeserved”.

16 Evolutionary art?

A fly with insects painted on its wings!

CMI website  What do you think?

17 May I recommend an interesting set of Church History lectures; a good place to start would be >www.Bruce W. Gore/John Huss< 

18 The old preacher was an Arminian when preaching the Gospel: a Calvinist when teaching Christians.

19 The complexity of living organisms, and the huge size of our Milky Way Galaxy, point to the greatness of God and the Messiah.  In 1929, the discovery was commenced that there are billions of galaxies containing billions of stars, having distances measured in light travelling for billions of light years.  Why this huge extravagance?  The answer is found in the last two words of Colossians chapter 1, verse 18: For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and FOR HIM.

This one of three "Why questions": Why the extravagance of the Cosmos? to leave us in no doubt as to the greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Why the cruelty of the Cross? when Jesus could have died in His sleep, as many of us mercifully will.  To make clear the richness of His love for us (Hesed/agape). Why the complexity of genetics?  So that only a Fool would say there is no God (Psalms 14:1, 53:1).

20 It is often claimed that the age-old scientific and mathematical achievements are the work of Muslim scholars; but research indicates that these were appropriated from the work of earlier Disciples of Christ in the Middle East.  “They say we are infidels”, Mindy Belz, p 177; “Christianity in Iraq”, Suha Rassam, pp 80-81

21 When Jesus returns, it will be like a trillion wonderful holidays, all rolled into one.

22 "The Economist", January 6th 2018, ran a "Technological Quarterly" on neuron activities and Brain-Computer Interfaces, BCI.  It is impossible to believe that this incredibly complex machine, was brought about by random activity of basic elements.  I mean the Brain, not the Computer.

23  The next article in "The Economist", "Escalators to Heaven" p 35 ff, The Chinese of South-East Asia are turning to Evangelical and Pentecostal Christianity.  In Singapore, the New Creation Church: "The 30,000 worshipers there have to book online on a Wednesday to reserve a seat for the Sunday service." Some of the fellowships use shopping malls - hence the escalators. 

24  "The excellent acclaimed film 'The Darkest Hour' describing the days leading up to the rescue of Dunkirk, BUT never mentioned the people’s overwhelming response to the King’s call for a National Day of Prayer at that time!" Rev Lyndon Bowring, CARE  [About Sr Winston Churchill during World War Two]

25 A strange photo - a little girl in our family, had been playing with my watch, and returned it the wrong way up ( I used to work and live in Leeds)


He desires to receive thanksgiving, praise, and worship, from His people, for everything!

He wants to:
Glorify Jesus, our Lord
Build the Church
Unify the Church as one, so that the World may know the truth of Christ's message
Fill Believers with the Holy Spirit
Increase our knowledge of Christ
Resolve the problems in the Church, either by giving us wisdom and understanding, or by His own intervention
Cleanse us from sin, and bring us to holiness
Equip us with the spiritual gifts the church needs
Give grace to help us in all things, to abound to every good work
Bless the preaching of the Joyful News
Have all people to hear that Good News
Work attracting miracles

“What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the LORD our God is near us whenever we pray to him?
Deuteronomy 4:7

27. Here are replies to my inquiry to the scientists at CMI
April 2018
Dear Douglas,
 Yes, I saw this fascinating video last week on the BBC. It’s not an April Fool’s joke. They’ve been working on a way to store digitally encoded information within DNA for years, precisely because it is such dense information storage medium. E.g. a pinhead volume of DNA has the information capacity equivalent to a 50 mile high pile of 1 terabyte hard discs (or a pile of paperback books stretching from here to the moon 500 times, a distance of some 125 million miles).

As you probably know, in computing terms, the code is binary (stored as a series of zeroes and ones). The DNA code uses just four letters. The researchers found a way of converting the digital coding (in this case, of a section of video) into the digital code of DNA, writing that information into DNA, then re-acquiring and converting it back into binary code. It’s impressive. All the more impressive is the incredible structure of DNA that allows such compact information capacity. It is believed that the world’s entire information (all that in books, computers, etc. globally) could fit into a shoe-box sized quantity of DNA. It is a case of thinking God’s thoughts after Him—He deserves the ultimate credit!

Yours sincerely,

Philip Bell
Creation Ministries International (UK/Europe)
Mail: 15 Station Street, Whetstone, Leicestershire, LE8 6JS Ph: 0116 284 8999
Email for general enquiries:
Yes, this is a real, workable technology. The retrieval of the information might be very slow, but the basic idea is sound. Take a string of binary bits, encode it into multiple strings of quaternary bits, and tag each of those strings with a "header" with enough metadata to help you reassemble them in order later, write that information into DNA with a DNA synthesizer, and store it all in a freezer. There are issues of DNA decaying over time, but the rate is slow, and since the decay is random, and since you have multiple copies of each short message, it can be detected when you "read" the information back into a computer.
Have you heard of "The Digital Dark Age"? Basically, anything stored on magnetic media is doomed to decay. Not only will future generations struggle to maintain the equipment needed to read yesterday's data storage (think 8" floppies or, ten years later, ZipDisks), but the material on which the data is stored will decay. The organic substrate for rewritable DVDs was a really bad choice for long-term storage. Etc.

“DNA is the most compact information storage system in the universe.  While we might think that our 100 gigabyte hard drive is advanced technology, a pinhead of DNA could hold 40 million times more information.”  Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D., in his remarkably fine book, “By Design”, Creation Book Publishers, 2008.

The sad thing about this new idea is that people have re-purposed one of the most amazing, expertly engineered, and ultra-complex systems in the universe (DNA and its storage and retrieval mechanisms) and failed to give glory to the One who created it.




BATTLESHIP - no passengers, all are crew on active service, under Rules of War
SUBMARINE - in difficult conditions, almost unseen - a Battleship: no passengers, all are active serving specialist crew - very successful 

ROWING BOAT Poor attendance and hard seats - not serious yet, very limited

Hard work directed to leisure and competition with others.  Not massively serious.  The keel working with the wind in the sails - Scripture working with the Holy Spirit.

You move forward, but not expected to settle down here for long
This is like the Fellowship I attend: A small crew working very hard; a lot of passengers, who may soon leave - but we regularly reach our two destinations.
Refusing to stay culturally relevant - well in the past - a museum piece - little effective use

Too liberal to be a true church - full of compromise with secular world thinking

In many dangerous situations; but saving those in great need - serving on the Front Line -  often through para-church organisations; a dedicated brave crew

Strong on evangelism - all are hard working successful staff - found in para-church organisations like the Scripture Union

A dedicated church and staff - geared to saving other churches in trouble

A small, often non-working, imitation of the real thing - lacking any real power 

Gives a lot of happiness and entertainment; but serves no deeply significant purpose - a Darby and Joan Club Church 

A very specialist church serving to guide other fellowships - all active crew working hard - essential   

Achieving many destinations - very altruistic - passengers soon leave; brilliant talented crew

Locations around the World have differing forms of heartfelt worship - very dedicated

This church is particularly powerful and efficient on, and using the Internet - virtually all members are following courses such as Alpha, Exploring Christianity, and the Bible in a Year

They deliver accurate doctrine to a wide locality and fellowship of congregations - besides their own - not many passengers, if any

With wide economic and worldwide ethnic span, they may well focus on the suggested areas of the Faith: Resurrection and Biblical Wisdom [both are in the vicinity of Korinthos]

Always moving slowly.  Mainly effective in times past.  Today, only a few are operative - many are converted to other uses: leisure, housing, commercial entertainment.  Even with restrictions, good purposes can be achieved; and the leisure uses do good to some.

Image result for largest cruise ships

Between 50% and 5% may be serious, hard working responsible crew.  Massive attendance and affluence; but relatively little deep spirituality and commitment, among the visitors.  There is a danger in these mega-churches that the real world of committed, daily discipleship, and the needs of the suffering church will not be met.

 29. That Divinity should assume a human body, in order to die for our sins, and some of us despise and ignore this, is truly unspeakable.

30. UFO's

A good friend, who has two Doctorates in Chemistry, noticed strange lights above him – he thought UFO’s.  When one of them crashed near by, he realized they were celebratory Chinese Lanterns, with candles burning inside, giving them lift.

What should we say to people who say they have met Aliens, even been “abducted”, have had anti-Christian “revelations”, and received physical injuries, which they show?

Sometimes there have been explanations – military secrets for instance (I have signed the Official Secrets Act and worked at the MOD).  There are constant modifications of the appearances of these suppose “aliens”: relating to the scientific understanding of the Universe – no longer from Planets, but from Galaxies, or following popular Science Fiction images.  In past ages they may well have been: hobgoblins, fairies, deceptive angels, or Lancashire boggarts.  Today, there are sightings on avionic instruments such as radar, which show incredible speeds and impossible changes in direction.

The Christian, highly qualified CMI scientists, have looked at the subject thoroughly from both Theological/Doctrinal and scientific viewpoints.  Gary Bates of the said Creation Ministries International, with many contacts around the World, has become a World authority on these phenomena.  Gary’s Conclusion, in his writing and films: the serious, and unexplained, are understood to be evil satanic spirits, best dealt with by exorcism. Devout believers with power and authority see complete success in being rescued from evil and dangerous effects. Unbelievers, who try their hand at exorcism, meet with disastrous consequences, for example (Acts 19:13-17 the seven sons of Sceva.  In contrast we see the apostle Paul (Acts 16:16-18) delivering a girl with a Python fortunetelling spirit. (See CMI papers [], books, programmes, and DVDs).

It is claimed that Jesus was asked 307 questions - He only answered three, but asked 183: often by way of response.
A joke: The faithful Synagogue member asked his Rabbi, "Why do you always respond to a question by asking one yourself?"  He replied, "Why shouldn't I?"

32.  The words of CT Studd, the renowned missionary to China who gave up his promising career in cricket as well as his sizable fortune. ‘Only one life, t’will soon be past. Only what’s done for Jesus will last.’

In your daily devotions – which I hope we all have as a habit (morning is best, but whenever suits you) - may I suggest singing a hymn.  This may mean buying a hymn book, or borrowing one from Church, or collecting the Service Sheets, unless you are blessed with a great memory.

At Holy Trinity we used the white copy of “Mission Praise”.  At a book shop they had a new addition: black, but with the usual design of coloured lines.  This cost a pound extra, but had a hundred more items.  As a Yorkshire man, at a penny a hymn, this seemed a good bargain.

What if you cannot remember the tune?  Now there is a challenge – make one up!

I have met eight composers: Phil Potter, Karen Lafferty, Richard Hudson Pope, Mike Wood, Jami Owen, Leith Samuel, Dave Matthews, and Keith White.  The first four visited the secondary school where I worked at one time or another.  Several others I have heard ministering in person, which gives added interest, perhaps you can say the same: Graham Kendrick, Andrae Crouch, Marilyn Baker, Lara Martin, and Dave Bilbrough.

First Class recordings of hymns are found on the Keswick Praise CD's.

When we humans, both inside and outside the Kirk, research our opponents, there is the tendency to limit that study to just the amount to bring about a conviction.  In other words, there is a lack of thoroughness, which is dishonest and lacking integrity.

eg An eminent Christian was guilty, with his associates, of a bad doctrinal error and practice.  He was rightly criticized, but his more recent repentance and public confession, were not mentioned - through lack of research, or dishonesty, or both.

35 Atheism
Atheists pride themselves in believing that there is no God – negatives are very difficult to prove....  I would like to show that atheistic evolutionists do have a religious faith (there are theistic evolutionists).
It is pointed out that in Evolutionism there is often anthropomorphic thinking: attributing human or godlike qualities to Nature: to the Cosmos, plants and animals.  BBC’s “Gardeners’ Question Time” suggested that my orchids stay in bloom for long periods so that they are available for pollination; this attributes an intelligence, will, and power to organise themselves: better than human beings – more like deities.  This is Polytheism.  Ethics is also in evidence: they do not like criminal harm to be done to themselves, family, or property.  They do not want to be slandered, cheated, betrayed, discriminated against, unkindly treated, or deceived.  Then there is the belief in miracles: something from nothing, complex genetic schemes, without an intelligent designer.
Belief in a creating, loving, holy, and just, Almighty God, who has revealed Himself, and communicate with us, is far more sensible.


Rev George Crowder (Church Society) made a study in the New Testament book of The Acts of the Apostles chapter 14 – which describes part of the First Missionary Journey of Paul and Barnabas.
This indicates what we can expect by way of success:
Staying for a long time in a toxic situation is gospel fruit, v.3. 
Preaching [witnessing] boldly is gospel fruit, v.3. 
Teaching against false religion is gospel fruit, v.15. 
Faithfulness under fire is gospel fruit, vv.19-20. 
Winning a large number of disciples is gospel fruit, v.21. 
A strengthened church is gospel fruit, v.22. 
Patient, hopeful endurance is gospel fruit, v.22. 
Rising up leaders is gospel fruit, v.23. 

God’s grace is active in all of these things.

The Disciples were called "Church" when Leadership was established.
The Miraculous was apparent. 

37. To Election Candidates:
May I have some idea of your views on Religious Issues, please?
a)      Toward faiths such as Jewish, Islam, Christian, Hindu, Atheism
b)      A Secular Government can have two interpretations at least: 1. Non-religious (not imposing any particular religion, by whatever means) 
2. Anti-religion (not really Secular, but aggressively Humanism, by any and perhaps every means).  What do you think?  [There are the eminent moral issues also]

38. The beginning of Life, and the Human Fetus
A quotation from my letter to some friends:
In the brilliant and professional article on Human Genetic Engineering, you state, “The only place to draw the line between life and non-life is at conception.”   Luke 1:41 ff has the remarkable sign of the child in Elizabeth’s womb leaping for joy at Mary’s presence: not at Jesus’s....

There is the thought in the Church that first mentions [of important doctrines and concerns] in the Bible are in fact definitive, as in current styles of writing, when abbreviations are about to be used.  One would look at the creation of Adam: becoming a living creature, when God breathed into Him the breath of life. (Genesis 2:7, ESV)  I would think that breathing announced the beginning of a human: not conception.  A midwifery trained Christian member of my family is of the same opinion, having seen that impressive moment when a slight and sudden shock, provokes the first breath.  Also in my family, there was a still born foetus (about five inches long).  The obstetrician called for a kitchen basin, and threw the sad object onto the open fire. 

There is a problem of a child being kept alive on a life support system [in my understanding – which is the first breath?] – from delivery.  Also there is the issue of naming a still born, and at what point should there be a funeral?

The obstetrician took a secular view, as a paradigm, that “Nature” performed a “natural abortion” because of some serious deformity, or malfunction.

The main translation of Ecclesiastes11:5 in the ESV: “As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones of the womb of a woman with child ....

My friends who are Theologians and Scientists strongly rebuffed my interpretations, piece by piece; but not to convince me.  I will keep their reply to my letter, so as to give it further thought.
You might like to consider the following aspects of Abortion:
1.      Where there is serious danger to the life of the mother
2.      Where the father would be the criminal abuser in a case of rape, and the mother would be incredibly unhappy in bringing up a child with this kind of hereditary
3.      Abortion, today, is so often the common social way of ending an unwanted, inconvenient,  pregnancy – or ending what is in fact the result of adultery, or fornication - ending the product of what God has defined as sin
4.      Medical consequences can follow termination

There are passages in the Jewish Bible/Old Testament which mention this subject; but Exodus 21:22-25 is by far the most important. 

Exodus 21:22-25 “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows.
23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
Both Pro Abortionists and Pro Life people try to use it; but the English Versions confuse the issue.  Two Internet sites are scholarly and helpful: Injury to women in the Old Testament (by Professor Ron du Preez, D. Min., and Greg Koukl).  Here is a telling quotation from the latter:
Gleason Archer, Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, concludes:
"There is no ambiguity here, whatever. What is required is that if there should be an injury either to the mother or to her children, the injury shall be avenged by a like injury to the assailant. If it involves the life (nepes) of the premature baby, then the assailant shall pay for it with his life. There is no second-class status attached to the fetus/foetus under this rule; he is avenged just as if he were a normally delivered child or an older person: life for life. Or if the injury is less, but not serious enough to involve inflicting a like injury on the offender, then he may offer compensation in monetary damages..."[10]

Imposed abortion – by a fight, or any other means, accidental or planned – is a serious crime/sin, requiring capital punishment for murder in the Old Testament Theocracy; similarly, injury should be punished appropriately.  The New Testament does not impose these in the Church era; but the seriousness remains: abortion of the foetus is seen as MURDER.

The second consideration, having seen that the unborn foetus is viewed as potentially a human, is the question mentioned in the following notes.  I cannot imagine worshipping Jesus as a ten centimetre long foetus in the womb of His mother Mary. 

Job 3:11-19 “Why did I not perish at birth,
and die as I came from the womb?
12 Why were there knees to receive me
and breasts that I might be nursed?
13 For now I would be lying down in peace;
I would be asleep and at rest
14 with kings and counsellors of the earth,
who built for themselves places now lying in ruins,
15 with rulers who had gold,
who filled their houses with silver.
16 Or why was I not hidden in the ground like a stillborn child,
like an infant who never saw the light of day?
17 There the wicked cease from turmoil,
and there the weary are at rest.
18 Captives also enjoy their ease;
they no longer hear the slave driver’s shout.
19 The small and the great are there,
and the slave is freed from his master.

[Here the child deceased at birth is seen as passing into Sheol – the Grave.]

Job 10:9-12 Remember that you moulded me like clay.
Will you now turn me to dust again?
10 Did you not pour me out like milk
and curdle me like cheese,
11 clothe me with skin and flesh
and knit me together with bones and sinews?
12 You gave me life and showed me kindness,
and in your providence watched over my spirit.

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me;
the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

Jeremiah 20:17

Hosea 9:14 Give them, O LORD
what will you give them?
Give them wombs that miscarry
and breasts that are dry.

Matthew 1:25 But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
[Birth, and then named.]

Matthew 2:11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

[Worshipped after delivery.]

Luke 1:13 But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to give him the name John.
[Named after birth – see context in Luke 1:57 ff]

Luke 1:15 [John] will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth.

Luke 1:31 You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.
[Here are three stages: be with child, give birth, and name Him – not named until delivery. ]

Luke 1:41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
[An unusual sign – not typical]

Luke 2:21 On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he had been conceived.
[Actually named at circumcision]

Acts 17:25 And God is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.

According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), on average 73.3 million abortions are performed every year.

200,821 per day

8,367 per hour

139 per minute


39. Current Moral Decline in the West has resulted in a culture of dishonesty, and therefore distrust.  Millions of hours, and their cost, are lost because of this and the perceived need to question every detail of work and expenditure – which will not always result in success.


As an artist, I made the following observations: many “Crucifixion” paintings portray little of the real suffering: Christ Jesus is seen as uninjured, swooning figure, as in those by Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Painter and Ambassador), and El Greco, although Rembrandt did make studies in an abattoir before painting the Crucifixion.


Out of 127 reproductions of fine art, that I looked at: only ten showed Jesus injured seriously – 4 were actually on the Grunewald Altar Piece, and three were modern works; only 4 showed some sign of injury more than the five wounds of the Cross.


It is possible that when the Lord Jesus Christ had endured torture, and hung on the Cross, the following would be true of Him:


  • Scalp, badly scared
  • Beard torn-out, and would never grow fully again (Isaiah 50:6)
  • Eyesight severely damaged
  • Hearing now limited
  • Body permanently scared with serious abrasions, and lacerations
  • Horrendous disfigurement (Isaiah 52: 14 b)
  • Severe vascular damage and resulting loss of blood
  • Jaw dislocated
  • All other joints dislocated – neck, shoulders, wrists and hands, hips, knees, ankles and feet (Psalm 22: 14)
  • Internal organs beyond healing
  • The wounds of Crucifixion nails: hands/wrists, and feet/ankles


Then there was the additional suffering: mental, emotional, and, above all, the spiritual – the bearing of sin and separation from the Father, which we cannot measure.


Isaiah 53:4-6 Surely he took up our infirmities

and carried our sorrows,

yet we considered him stricken by God,

smitten by him, and afflicted.

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,

he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,

and by his wounds we are healed.

6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,

each of us has turned to his own way;

and the LORD has laid on him

the iniquity of us all.



Psalm 22:1

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Why are you so far from saving me,

so far from the words of my groaning?


In Glory, our dear Lord will carry the marks of His Crucifixion.

John 20:19-20 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”  After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

Revelation 5:6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the centre of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders.



The mention of the Cross in Scripture is a form of code: for all the countless blessings won for us by the Lord Jesus Christ, through His atoning death on Calvary.

1 Corinthians 1:17-18 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


Galatians 5:11, 6:12   Brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished.


Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ.

Ephesians 2:16 and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.


Philippians 3:18 for, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.


Colossians 1:20, 2:14   and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.


Having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.

Hebrews 12:2

Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Galatians 3:13  Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”


1 Peter 2:24  He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.


  1. When I survey the wond’rous Cross
    On which the Prince of Glory dy’d,
    My richest Gain I count but Loss,
    And pour Contempt on all my Pride.

    2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
    Save in the Death of Christ my God:
    All the vain things that charm me most,
    I sacrifice them to his Blood.

    3. See from his Head, his Hands, his Feet,
    Sorrow and Love flow mingled down!
    Did ever such Love and Sorrow meet?
    Or Thorns compose so rich a Crown?

    4. His dying Crimson, like a Robe,
    Spreads o’er his Body on the Tree;
    Then am I dead to all the Globe,
    And all the Globe is dead to me.

    5. Were the whole Realm of Nature mine,
    That were a Present far too small;
    Love so amazing, so divine,
    Demands my Soul, my Life, my All.

 Isaac Watts, 1674-1748



a)      If a Madame of the town’s brothel arrived at the church door, to attend the morning worship, what should your response be?

Answer:  Hopefully, it would be to assure her of a warm welcome to the intimate loving family atmosphere of your fellowship.

b)       The said lady, after some weeks, puts herself forward to become a Member – entered on the Electoral Roll, would like to serve on the PCC/Church Council/Governing Body, be considered for an official position such as Church Warden/Elder/ or High Office.



[Some churches do not have a formal point of membership – a Gate with rightfully limited access.  A person of questionable character would need to have a serious discussion with the Leadership.  It would be sensible to ask about their conversion and repentance – evidence of a changed life, and an awareness of the issues involved.  I would be realistic to expect a lengthy time of reformation.  A person with insight would realize all this.] 


In place of a Madam, it could be a known member of the Criminal fraternity, the Mafia, a fellow who had just served his sentence for murder, a smuggler, etc


42. Israel’s recent history

My note on Derek Prince’s summation:


Zechariah 12:10 b  “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.”  [How can they not see the meaning of this today?]

In the nineteenth century, Christians were the first Zionists.

c 1919 The League of Nations gave Britain the Mandate to provide a National Home for the Jews.

1921 Sir Winston Churchill, as Foreign Secretary, with one stroke, gave Trans Jordan 75% of the land originally allocated to Israel.  Jews were not permitted to enter, but Arabs were given freedom to be in Israel.

1948 After the Second World War, the United Nations appointed National Statehood to Israel, allocating now, only 12% of the original gift of land.  The UK Government, under Prime Minister Attlee, did everything in their power to frustrate this happening.  Derek Prince, newly released from the British Army, was living there, still with access to military information.

The British Empire collapsed – beware of being against Israel!

43. Is the Old Testament all bloodshed and sword, and the New Testament all sweetness and light?

People often see the great anger of God in the OT: populations of cities and armies wiped out, and nations sent into exile

(Joshua 6:21 They devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.


2Kings 25:19 Of those still in the city, he took the officer in charge of the fighting men and five royal advisers. He also took the secretary who was chief officer in charge of conscripting the people of the land and sixty of his men who were found in the city.

2Ki 25:20 Nebuzaradan the commander took them all and brought them to the king of Babylon at Riblah.

2Ki 25:21 There at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, the king had them executed.

So Judah went into captivity, away from her land.). 

But there is much mercy and grace in the OT

(Psalm 103:2 Praise the LORD, O my soul,

and forget not all his benefits—

Ps 103:3 who forgives all your sins

and heals all your diseases,

Ps 103:4 who redeems your life from the pit

and crowns you with love and compassion,

Ps 103:5 who satisfies your desires with good things

so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.



Ps 51:1 Have mercy on me, O God,

according to your unfailing love;

according to your great compassion

blot out my transgressions.

Ps 51:2 Wash away all my iniquity

and cleanse me from my sin.



Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together,”

says the LORD.

“Though your sins are like scarlet,

they shall be as white as snow;

though they are red as crimson,

they shall be like wool.)



Although the New Testament is mainly taken up with salvation, mercy, and grace, we do see the overwhelming wrath of a righteously angry God.



John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


2Thessalonians 1:8 He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

2Th 1:9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power

2Th 1:10 on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you




Revelation 15:1 I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed. 

“Woe” in Jesus’s usage, meant “disaster”.  God is a God of Love, but He loves not only People, but also Justice.

JOKES 2010ff

Along with material and aphorisms from earlier


Series One

Christopher Shell was on the phone booking a reservation at the Sea Shell Hotel at a holiday resort. When they asked for his card details, they though he was pulling their leg ….

Children are a constant source of humour.

I was explaining the death of John the Baptizer to a lower ability class, which I enjoyed teaching. 

"Herodius's daughter is traditionally known as Salome."

"Sir they named a sausage after her."


"Please Miss, she was looking during prayers."  "How did you know, if you had your eyes closed?" "I heard her looking."

Essay on your home: We have mating on our kitchen floor.

Essay on your best holiday: Every time I pass water, I think of the Lake District.



Factual: Emmanuel Church, Wimbledon, had two members stand outside the exits at a local cinema (a Church Warden and a student), to handout leaflets explaining the meaning of the film “you have just seen” -  “The Passion of the Christ”.   One of them went round to the other to say that all his leaflets had gone: “But the film is not over – you have given them to people who have seen “Scooby- Do 2”!

Will there be people in Heaven following the showing of “Scooby-Do 2”?


Factual: I arrived in church recently to find a note (a blue envelope, in fact) addressed to me, pinned to the notice board.   It contained my offering for the previous week: my Trolley Token!


An eminent Church Leader, in the early days of his marriage (the January – winter time!), was so exasperated with his wife that he said: “I do not understand how God could make you so beautiful, and so stupid!”   She immediately replied: “He made me so beautiful so that you would marry me: and so stupid that I would marry you!”


A lady had married a very rich widower.  At his eventual funeral, a friend of the wife could not understand the limited degree of her sorrow: in his will the rich man had stipulated that all his wealth should be buried with him.   The newly widowed lady pointed out that she had placed in his coffin, all his money in the form of a cheque she had made out to him.


True: A drunken man staggered into the centre of our open-air service shouting: “If there is a God, strike me dead!”  The preacher replied: “Now thank him that He didn’t!”



Series Two


An old Jewish tailor promised to divulge the secret of his success to his three sons, before he died.   As he drew close to death, the three gathered round his bed.   They put heir heads close to his and asked for his secret: “Always tie a knot in your thread.”


There were two very evil brothers in an Irish village.   When one of them died the surviving brother promised a large sum of money to repair the Church roof; if the Priest would say in his eulogy, the deceased was a good man.   At the funeral service, the priest said the dead man was “an angel” compared with his surviving brother.


True: I worked with a fine History teacher who told this story about his school days: their teacher had explained how two armies had formed phalanxes at a famous battle – arms linked and shields and swords in position.  The tendency was to move slightly to one side, and as they advanced on each other, they missed and passed each other.   At lunchtime some members of the class were practising a dance called the Hokey- cokey – in which they linked arms and chanted a cockney song.   The history teacher caught them; but before he could punish them, they explained they were a phalanx practising the famed battle.


In a graveyard south of Dublin, the following inscription can be seen:

O stranger pause as you go by;

As you are, once was I,

As I am, so will you be,

So be prepared to follow me.

Someone had written below:

To follow you, I’d be content.

But hanged if I know which way you went.

Two rather irreligious racing friends, of a recently dead Irishman, arrived late at his funeral, and had to stand at the back.  “What’s the Priest doing now?” one asked.  “I think he is giving us a tip for the three-thirty! Came the reply.


Two men passed an RAC man sitting in his van with his head in his hands, crying.   “I think he’s heading for a breakdown,” one of them observed.


A young London lady attended her first communion, after her conversion.  The Communion Service was a mystery; and when the Vicar handed her the chalice, she took it and said: “Cheers!”  [This also happened when John Isherwood took a rather posh elderly moustachioed friend to church.]


Two students worked on a municipal boating lake in their Long Vac.  One day, as the shift drew to a close, one of them shouted to the last rowers: “Number nine, come in – your time is up!”

“We only have six boats.”

“Number six: are you in trouble!”


HTB Sunday Club was working their way through the early chapters of Genesis.  One little boy, at home, had a bout of stomach-ache, and was rolling on the floor holding his tummy.   Thinking of the creation of Eve he told his Mum: “I think I’m producing a wife.”


The Vicar at St Martin’s was introducing the subject of ‘The Fruit of the Spirit’ (Galatians 5: 22,23).   “What do we get from apple trees?”   “What does God want from us?”   A youngster shouted out: “Babies.”


Series Three


A  little boy thought that St Martin of Tours in France was the Patron Saint of Tour Operators.


Suitable notice for a Travel Agent’s door: “Go away!”


Two thoughts about prayer, given at youth meetings:

Three possible answers – Yes, No, You’ve got to be kidding!

Yes, No, Wait, Get to work on it yourself!


The Wedding Telegram: Originally sent as 1 John 4: 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,

Changed in the Post Office to John 4:18The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband.


Little boy smacked by his mother and sent to his room – came down again in tears: “I’ve looked in the mirror and you’ve cracked me!”


Mother always told me off through gritted teeth – I thought she was training to be a ventriloquist.


Sunday School class asked what they knew about Damascus, in the story of Paul’s conversion.  Answer: It kills all known germs.


A man asked for a return ticket at a railway booking office.  “Where to?”  “Back here of course!”


An Air Stewardess had a very snooty passenger.

“Can I serve you a drink?”

“G and T, please: that’s Gin… and Tonic…”

“Would you like slice on the rocks?   That’s a slice of lemon and ice cubes!”


A Girl Guide was taking her First Aid Badge test:  “I you are coming home from school with a friend, and she swallows her house door key, what would you do?”

Borrow a ladder, and climb into the house though an open window.”


The secret of good gardening: knowing the difference between weeds and flowers.


True: a local ladies hairdresser is called “The Village Gossip”. Someone rang our number by mistake, and my wife answered the question – “Are you the Village Gossip?”

By slamming the phone down.


Driving tests

An Irish man was asked in the oral part to explain the meaning of a Yellow Line down the side of the road: “You cannot park here at ‘all.”   “And the Double Yellow Line?”

“You cannot park at ‘all, at ‘all!”


A man who collected pigswill from kitchens took his driving test in his van, straight from work.  Both he and the Examiner forgot the bin of swill – until it came to the Emergency Stop!


A lady who had driven all over the World, came to settle in Britain, and decided to take a Driving Test.  She drove furiously even through narrow spaces between large vehicles.  “Have I passed?” she asked.   Reply: “I don’t know, my eyes were closed – I dare not look!”



Series Four


A slogan at Old Trafford Manchester United’s Ground: “Manchester is my Heaven.”


A Minister could never avoid arguments and clashes with a certain retired lady, who had attended the Church, all her life.   On a very warm day he went for a drive in the nearby country lanes, with all his windows wound down.   Suddenly, approaching a sharp bend, the aforementioned lady screeched round the corner, she shouted, almost in his face: “Pig!”   He replied: “Cow!”

Immediately round the bend he crashed solidly into a large pig.



Voting Problems


My good friend, Jim Haslem was canvassing for the Labour Party in the Election Campaign.  When a householder told that he would be voting “National Front”!  “Why on earth would you do that?”    “I always vote for the Party I think will come off worst.”


A Pakistani scholar and neighbour of my daughter, came to me one day – “Mr Wilkinson, I know you like an amusing story.”   His father had been required to go home to relatives in Pakistan.   Being early May, his mother felt it was her duty to represent her husband at the Voting Booth.   “Who did you vote for?” the youngsters asked.   “Well there was a party called ‘The National Front’.”



Thoughtful sayings: Love and Joy are the first two parts of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives.   “Language is the servant of Theology; not the other way round.”   The use of the word ‘immediately’ in Mark’s Gospel could well represent Peter’s mode of expression.


A man said to his colleague one Monday morning: “Who was that lady I saw you with last night?”

“That was no lady – that was my wife!”


I knew I had to be careful with my question to the assistant in the supermarket: “I’m looking for some Comfort (a kind of softener for washing machines) – can you tell me where it is on the shelves?”


When I was in the RAF, we had a brilliant Air Traffic Control officer: Flying Officer Henderson – his diction and vocabulary were absolutely wonderful and incredibly entertaining.  I was thoroughly enjoying his fire-fighting lecture, when I heard him saying … “Wilkinson, am I keeping you awake?”


Two of the Air Traffic Control Staff, needed to put in some flying time to retain their pilots’ wings.   They went together in a clapped-out old Oxford aircraft.   The weather was not pleasant – and neither was their conversion, which the whole staff listed to, because they forgot to switch-off their radio transmitter – they insulted pretty-well everybody, much to their total embarrassment, when landing and returning for duty.



Series Five


I worked on the staff with a talented but absent-minded Jewish teacher of English.  She was small of stature and looked very young, her husband ran a printing business, which re-produced my drawings.

Her battery-operated lawnmower ran down – forgetting to switch it off, she left it on charge: it started by itself and mowed her carpet – until she returned from work.

The same thing happened with her Hoover.   There was a power-cut.  She forgot to switch it off, and went to work.   When the power returned, it hoovered her floor, in the same spot for hours.  The lady had to give the whole floor the same treatment; it took most of the day.

Late one winters evening she was awaiting her husband’s return from his business.  She decided to empty some rubbish, even though wearing only her nightdress.  As she stepped outside, the door blew to, and the Yale lock clicked-to: locking her out.  She was not properly dressed to ask the neighbours for help, so had to hide in the garden, until her husband came home.

When she attended the school-doctor with her hefty son (he took after his father), he was belaboured for bringing his sister, and not his mother.

One day she admired the whiteness of the Headmaster’s teeth.   He was a very confident and friendly man, and explained that being a chemist, he used Domestos.   The next morning she arrived in the Staff Room complaining of a sore mouth.   The Head explained that he had false teeth and put them in a jar of the strong chemical!


The teatime train out of Leeds City Station had a fair number of university staff and students among the passengers.  When I asked the man sitting next to me: “Are you reading that newspaper, you are sitting on?”  He replied: “No, I don’t have hindsight!”


In an Oldham secondary school, the Staff  met at one table in the Dining Room.  As a young, new, and nervous, teacher came to the table, he realized he would have to sit between the Head Master, and the Deputy Head Master.  “I’m between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea!”   Quick as a flash, the Deputy replied: “I object to being called the Deep Blue Sea!”


This illustrates the decline in Religious knowledge.  On Teaching Practice at the Royal Grammar School in Newcastle, I had a ringleader in any disruption (not all that bad) called Abraham.   The whole class erupted in laughter when I told him off, with the words: “If you don’t behave, Abraham, you will have had your lot!”    /


A Nun who was working with children in the Middle East, was driving her old Jeep down a country road, when she ran out of petrol.  Taking the only receptacle she could find – a child’s potty, the Nun walked a mile down the road to a Filling Station.  On her return, and careful pouring the petrol into her talk, a large Rolls Royce full of Oil Sheiks approached her.   The window near her was wound down, and a voice said: “We are not of your religion, but we greatly admire your faith!”


In the armed forces, the untidiest of rooms is called the Orderly Room, and the tidiest – is the Mess.


A naval rating reported sick with a swollen foot.  The Medical Officer gave him a very large tablet, and told him to sit outside a while.   With difficulty he swallowed it with drinks of water.  Eventually he was brought a bowl of water to dissolve the medication to soak his foot in; but he had taken it!








On the bus from Rochdale to the Lake, I spotted two Mormon missionaries; one was witnessing to a lady sitting in front of us.  (Shame on real Christians for not sharing their faith.)  When the lady left the bus, the young fellow turned and started on me.    Before he had said very much, I observed,

“Your religion is utter rubbish!   The Bible tells us not to add to it; and you do!”

“Oh no we do not!” came his reply.

“Every time you go to Church on a Sunday, you carry two books: the Bible and the ‘Book of Mormon’.    And another thing: you must have an uncaused, first cause!”   (Mormons believe that God was originally a man).   We had reached his stop….


A day or so later, the doorbell rang.   There was a tall young fellow in a white shirt, dark tie, wearing a name badge, and carrying a black satchel.   I laid into him….

“Who do you think I am, and why am I here? he asked.

“You’re a Mormon!” I stated.

“No… I’m promoting ‘n-Power’….”

We both had a good story to tell!



A man entered a Car Parts Shop and asked: “I’d like a WINDSCREEN WIPER for a Skoda!”

“Sounds a fair swap!”


An elderly lady asked a lively 90 year-old about a problem she faced.   Her relatives wanted her to move into a bungalow, because of the fear of her falling down the stairs.   In the meantime, they wanted her to pause each time she went up stairs – what shout she do?   “On no account stop climbing upstairs, once you’ve started.   People of our age will forget which way they are going – up or down!”




Two Jewish friends met after a long time.   In catching-up with their news, one said: “It’s my daughter’s twenty-first birthday.   Come round (he gave the address), and ring the doorbell with your elbow.”   “Why my elbow?”  “You’ll be carrying a large present for her!”


A devout synagogue member told his friend of a problem he faced: “You’ll never believe it, but my son has become a Christian!”   They decided to ask their Rabbi.  He said: “You’ll never believe it, but my son has become a Christian! Let’s pray about it.”   When they had interceded, the reply came: “You’ll never believe it, but my son has become a Christian, as well!”


A Jewish boy was helping his father one Christmas, in their wholesale warehouse.   “Why did God give us Christmas?”  “It’s good for business.”

“Why did God make Goiim (Gentiles), father?”  “Someone has to buy retail!”


A group of religious leaders were discussing the giving on the part of their congregations.

The Anglican said it gave a half, when the Diocese had taken its share, if there is anything left.

The Roman Catholic said he gave whatever the Pope was asking for.

The Methodist said they gave a Tithe – a tenth.

The Rabbi said he had a ceremony in which he threw everything from the large plate up to God; and the Almighty sent them back whatever He did not want.





True story:  Between Los Cristianos and Las Americas, on Tenerife, is a beautiful pathway.   The hotels and restaurants have expanded across it, and even enclosed it.   As we had to walk through one popular establishment, the entertainer with a blonde Afro hairstyle, and holding a microphone, saw me walking in he joked: “Ah, Captain Bird’s Eye (as in a famous TV advert).”

I was just going to reply: “Ah, Shirley Temple!” when I realized he might have a bouncer on the door out.


I was illustrating the advance made in Egyptian hieroglyphics, through the discovery, and work on, the “Rosetta Stone”.   I drew the cartouche shape and started to fill it with well-known symbols to signify a Pharaoh’s name: a bird, an eye, and the remaining space with simple rectangles.

A voice came from the back of the educationally backward class: “Bird’s Eye fish fingers!”


I was walking into the Pennines, and looking forward to my next Bible reading at the top.  As I started, there were two small whirlwinds in my path – ten feet high, and not very strong.  My reading at the top included Proverbs 10 verse 25, “Disaster strikes like a cyclone, whirling the wicked away, but the godly have a lasting foundation.”


I was taking honey in my drinks to ease a sore throat; my reading for the day included Proverbs 25verse 27

Just as it is not good to eat too much honey, it is not good for people to think about all the honours they deserve.


An evangelist was carrying a placard along a street.   It read, on the front, “I am a fool for Christ’s sake!”

People had a laugh at him: until they saw what he had on the back of his poster: “Whose fool are YOU!”


An elderly Bishop heard a young preacher use a stunning illustration: “I have spent many happy hours in the arms of another man’s wife,” he meant of course in his mother’s arms.  When the old Bishop came to retell the story, he could not recollect the conclusion, and found himself saying: “But I cannot remember the lady’s name.”



A Bishop stood up to address an august audience of clergy, but felt that they needed the lighting turned on: “Could we have a little more light.”  To which the audience replied: “And so also with you!”


I was playing Santa at our local church.   I liked to ask the children about their hopes for Christmas.   “Why do you want a magician’s kit?”   Reply: “To make my brother disappear!”


Overheard outside my grotto: “That’s not Santa; that’s Dougie!”


At one Christmas Fair the congregation were sworn to secrecy about my part in it.   At lunchtime my wife came down to the hall, but could not find me.   I arrived home in the afternoon to the question: “Where have you been?”   “Oh no you weren’t!”   “Well I was in my grotto, wasn’t I!”   Even more proof came with my photograph in the local paper, next weekend.







The hymn was announced as from “Hymns ancient, and more ancient”.


Her mother, about the procedure in the church service, had guided a nervous bride.   There were three simple steps, which had to repeat to herself on the procession down the aisle: “Aisle, Altar, Hymn!”


A misprint on the final line of a famous hymn: “Land my (me) safe on Canaan’s side.”


I was told about a man who was a famous hypnotist.  I said I hoped he didn’t practice in front of a mirror.


A sixteen-year-old girl coming out of her Geography examination: “Lord, please make Paris the capital of Turkey!”


An American man was so tired of “Jehovah’s Witnesses” calling, and he thought he had the answer.   The next time the doorbell rang, and he opened the door: “Salute the flag (kept in many American hallways), and I buy all you’ve got!”

It was an Avon Lady!




Unusual – called out to help a man whose car would not start, and he did not want to trouble family, or neighbours.   He asked to connect batteries, and jump-start.   A clever idea, and he paid £5.


A group of nurses had had a night- out, and had won a very large teddy bear.  In the taxi home one had organised the order of dropping-off, and who would pay for them all.  When it came to the last stop, the taxi-driver turned to the back seat; he only had the teddy bear!


A man took a cab from the centre of town to his home in Whitworth.   When they reached it, he said: “Now take me back – I went to work in my car this morning!”


A driver was working the night shift, and about mid-night took a rest, as his next call was due at   He parked on Syke Common overlooking the boating pond.  When he woke, the car had rolled into the water.  It was quite expensive having it towed out.


A driver in Heywood, picked-up a fare: a rather drunk lady who could not remember where she lived – she asked him to drive round the town, to see if she could recognize the street.   Suddenly a man jumped into the road, and stopped the taxi.  “I’m looking for my wife who always forgets her address!”


G. K. Chesterton, when he fell in love with his wife-to-be, had the difficult task of meeting her parents.  At the event, the mother suddenly asked, “What do you think of the wallpaper?”

He took a piece of chalk from his pocket, and drew a full-length portrait of his beloved on the wall.  “Now it’s better,” he said.






A vicar in the Home Counties visited his seven year-old daughter’s Primary School to talk about the Church.   His opening gambit was: If the Church were a boat, what type would it be?

Three answers were particularly interesting, with the reasons:

A paddle-steamer – because it’s old and rather cute

A submarine – because it’s cramped, smelly, and hidden from view

A rowing boat – because you sit on hard wooden seats for a long time.


The vicar, and various other people thought that the Church should be seen as:

A lifeboat – dedicated to saving people

A battleship – fighting evil

A merchant ship – all on board are devoted to one aim, and are crew members with a specific job: no passengers!

What do you think?



Did you notice that the stone of Jesus’s tomb was not rolled closed?  Well He was born in a stable!


A shop assistant was having a hard time with an elderly lady, who wanted to buy a compass for her Grandson.   Eventually she asked, “What is the mirror behind the needle for?”  Reply: “It’s to show you who’s lost!”




A story I remember only vaguely:  A Vicar, who owned a four wheel-drive, off-road vehicle, offered to help a parishioner remove a tree from their garden by pulling it out with his car.   Halfway through the operation of bending the tree over, the rope snapped and the tree sprang upright.


The little boy in the family of a neighbour had been pestering to have a cat.   “Alright, if God wants you to have a cat, pray, and He will send you one!”  Suddenly a cat appeared in the garden.   It had been hiding in the tree that sprang upright!




At what promised to be a boring Christmas party, I found myself sitting next to a territorial soldier, who had been injured in manoeuvres.  When he found out I was a teacher of Religion, he asked the intriguing question: “What does the verse in the Bible mean which says, ‘The abomination of desolation, standing where it ought not’?”

We had a great time talking about the end of the World, and the return of Christ!


On a corner near to my home is an unusual fruit tree, which has had a second kind of fruit grafted on – so it has two quite different types of blossom.  Whilst I was looking at it this year I noticed an unusual bird on the man’s television aerial.   I tried viewing it from various angles, but could not identify it by size or strange pale grey colouration.   I realized a man across the road trying to attract my attention, with some sense of humour.   “It’s plastic – it’s to keep the pigeons off his house!”


An American Senator, when he received rude or aggressive letters, returned them with a note saying: “I just thought you would like to know that some nutcase has been writing to me using your name and address.”


True story: A phone call to my school, “This is a bomb hoax!”


Another phone call to the same school: “Angela Morton cannot come to school today.”  Secretary: “Who is that?”  Reply: “It’s my Mum!”



A co-pilot entered the cockpit of a passenger aircraft, waiting on the tarmac, and greeted his colleague: “Hi Jack!”

Air Traffic Control heard it over the radio, and instigated an armed response.





A Vicar was discussing a serious financial problem with his Warden: “I think we shall have to pray about it then.”  To which the Warden replied: “Has it come to that!”


A young Christian was a Personal Assistant to the Chairman of Selfridges, when a call came for the important man himself.  The Young man covered the mouthpiece, and told who it was.   “Tell him I’m out!”

“You tell him, sir!”  He took the call, and them lambasted the PA, who replied: “If I can lie for you: I can lie to you!”


Sometimes when people phone for Florence and ask if she is in, I reply, “I’ll ask her!”  Always stressing it is a joke.


The Head Master had a very naughty boy in his room when I entered.   “I’ve called the Police, haven’t I Mr Wilkinson?”   I had to reply to his bluff, that I did not know.  I think he admired my reluctance to lie for him.


A man, who kept the CD Music store in Harrods, arrived early for work, and was bent down tidying his stock, when he heard a plumy voice asking if he had anything by “The Three Degrees”.  “Who on earth listens to that kind of music!” he asked, without standing-up.   When he did rise to his feet, it was the Prince Charles!   He did the only thing he could: he fainted!



Dr Paul Yonggi Cho has been a most influential and gifted South Korean Minister.   The success of God’s work in his nation has been very much based in prayer – one regular prayer meeting was held at five 0’clock in the morning.  On one occasion he was late getting-up, and his wife’s Mother phoned to hurry him up.  When he arrived to lead the meeting, everybody laughed: he was still wearing his pyjamas!

(Crowds going to prayer meetings resembled cup final numbers, Billy Graham preached to one million, in the open air.)


Next-door neighbours to a Christian house group said they thought they had died last night: because they heard you singing hymns, and thought it was the angels in Heaven.



When they met in the Hose of Commons, Lady Astor (the first lady MP) said to Winston Churchill: “If you were my husband, I would put poison in your coffee!”   To which he replied, “Madam, if you were my wife, I’d drink it!”






Outside my classroom was a fine clump of mature trees, so when the question of “Is there a God?” cropped-up, I simply pointed to the life force and complexity of these natural wonders.   Unfortunately, as I did so, a small boy, almost hidden, walked passed the window carrying the Biology Lab human skeleton: the face was grinning in our direction, and the jaw was opening and closing in time to the boy’s steps.


A little girl asked her father where humans came from.  He replied that we came from monkeys.  She then questioned her mother: “God made us,” was the reply.  “Daddy says we came from monkeys!”  “That’s his side of the family!” retorted the mother.



What do atheists say when someone sneezes? “Curse you!”


Atheists complain that they have no special days or festivals, as other religious people do.  “Oh yes they do!   April the first!


The R E Teacher was nearing the end of reading the Gospel According to John to his class.  He was just reading Mary Magdalene’s question (chapter 20 verse 15), “Where have you placed the body?” The door of the classroom opened and the Music Teacher came in – his evening job was in the family firm of undertakers.


On another day, the same door opened, and a boy had come from the Woodwork Department, where a stage prop was being made for the R E people: “Your cross is ready!”  The teacher’s heart missed a beat.


A teacher who was not very sympathetic to Christianity was discussing Jonah’s story.   A boy in the class replied, “When I get to Heaven, I can ask him if it is true.”  “How do you know he went to Heaven, and not Hell?”   “Well then you can ask him!”


Some people carelessly think that everyone entering a church door is automatically a Christian.  This worries me; last week I had cause to enter an undertaker’s!


Mark Stibbe, and a group from his Church, attended a summer camp in Norway.   At the Sunday lunchtime, after the meetings were finished, there was a final de-briefing.   A lady who ran the Ministry Team came to the front, and announced in English: “Something very serious has happened on the campsite this morning.”   The British group thought that perhaps someone had died.  But she continued: “There is on the camp site a mobile toilet facility, and a lady wanted to use it, and she went into the mobile toilet facility, and she sat down.”   Norwegians have a saying: Joy is a very serious thing.   “The man who owned the mobile toilet facility (she did love saying that phrase) realised that he was double-booked, and that he was due in Stavanger,  (seven hours’ drive away) that same day, with the mobile toilet facility.   The man connected his mobile toilet facility to the back of his wagon.”   He drove out of the campsite – the woman was still sitting in the mobile toilet facility.  She was banging on the door, and crying, “Help. Help. Let me out. Let me out.”   The man stopped at a pedestrian crossing, and her cries for help were heeded by passers-by, and she was eventually released.  She was brought back to the campsite for prayer: “We have prayed for the healing of her memories, and have assured her that Jesus was with her in the mobile toilet facility.”  The British contingent, by this time, were so helpless with hysterics, that Stibbe fell off his chair, onto his back, on the floor, howling with laughter, and with tears running down his face.   This was about 1995, and the Toronto Blessing, when almost anything could pass for a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, and so a very earnest Pastor came a prayed over him: “O, Lord he has been working so hard this week – thank you for this joy, this holy laughter.”


A true story from 1982, about a man nicknamed Lawn Chair Larry, from California. Larry Walter’s boyhood ambition was to fly, but fate conspired to keep him from his dream.   He joined the Air Force, but his poor eyesight disqualified him from becoming a pilot.  After he was discharged, he sat in his backyard, watching jet aircraft fly overhead.   He hatched his scheme at this time, whilst sitting on his lawn chair.   He purchased forty-five weather balloons from an army surplus store, filled them with helium, tied them to his tethered chair dubbed: “The Inspiration One”, and then strapped himself in, taking sandwiches, some alcoholic drinks, and a pellet gun.    This would help to pop a few balloons, when it was time to descend.   The plan was to sever the anchor, and lazily float up to a height of about 30 feet, where he would enjoy life taking his refreshments, before firing a few pellets, and float gently down.   Unfortunately, his plan failed: when his friends cut the cord fastened to his Jeep, Larry streaked into the L. A. sky, as if shot from a gun.   He did not level off at a hundred feet, nor at a thousand; but at sixteen thousand feet.   He was too frightened to shoot any of the balloons, lest they became unbalanced.  So he drifted, frightened, with his beer and sandwiches, for more than 14 hours.   He crossed the primary approach flight path of L.A.X., where pilots of Trans World Airlines, and Delta Airlines radioed in reports of the strange sight.   Eventually he gathered the courage to shoot a few balloons, and slowly descended.   The hanging tethers caught in a power line, blacking out the Long Beach neighbourhood for twenty minutes.   Larry climbed to safety, where waiting members of the LAPD arrested him.   As he was let away in handcuffs, a waiting reporter asked him why he had done it.   Larry replied nonchalantly, “Well a man just can’t sit around!”






A lady diagnosed with a terminal illness, had been given three months to live.   As she was getting her things in order, she contacted her Vicar, and had him visit her, in order to discuss her final wishes: Scriptures, songs and hymns, even what outfit she wished to be buried in, and even holding her favourite Bible – all was in order.     As the Vicar was about to leave, the lady remembered something very important to her: “I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand!”  The clergyman was perplexed.  “In all my years of attending Church socials and Harvest Suppers, I always remember, that when the main course was being cleared away, someone would always lean over, and say, “Keep your fork.”   “It was my favourite part, because I knew that something better was coming – like chocolate cake, or apple pie: something wonderful and with substance.”   So, at the funeral, the Minister had to explain the reason for the fork: “Tell them, ‘Keep your fork! The best is yet to be!’”


You can lead a horse to water; but you cannot make it drink.   But you can put salt in its oats.


A bill from the Barbican Bookshop in York:

“The God Who is There”

“Fresh from the Freezer”


When a file is deleted from Microsoft Word, a question checks that you have made the right decision.   This gives curious notes when files are named after people eg:

“Do you wish to send the “Bishop of Durham” to the Recycle-Bin?”


True story: In the village Theatrical Group, a young fellow was very keen to take part.  In the current play a man took a shotgun and killed a lady.  The young man had to run onto the stage and shout, “Who fired that shot!”

One night the blank in the gun failed.  The gangster took the weapon by the barrel and hit the woman.  The young man still ran onto the stage shouting: “Who fired that shot!”


Not a joke, but a good story.

An Australian Bishop received a letter from an aged lady in his Diocese.  She admitted that her age now precluded her from her usual active service.  As a young member, she had received a calling to help young women coming out of prison, and take them into her home – all in liaison with the prison officials.  She had continued to write to many of the ladies who were converted through her witness.  One thousand five hundred were, to her knowledge, in active Christian service!




An Army Chaplain noticed a soldier praying in the Station Church.   “Can I help you?” he asked.   The soldier replied, “I’m being helped, thank you.”


Chris Waddell, the international footballer, once sent his wife a Wedding Anniversary card signed: “Chris Waddell”.


Not a joke.

One of the things I like about the life of John Wesley is his sense of victory, and his continual giving of thanks.   Notice the numerous encouragements to give thanks in Paul’s Letter to the Colossians (3:15, 16, 17; 4:2).    St iPod


When the longest Prison Riot in British Penal History began in 1990, at Strangeways, Manchester, people thought it was a joke, because it was on April 1st.


G. K. Chesterton, the famous writer, in old age sent his wife a telegram saying: I am in Market Harborough; where should I be?”



A man asked his friend, who was a solicitor, how much he charged.   “It costs  … to ask three questions.   What are you second and third questions?”


A rather rough man, who had become a curate in the Church of England, was served a cup of tea on visiting a parishioner.  “Where would you like it?”  He replied: In my mouth!”


Two true stories: I was sitting next to an ill-shaven man in a leather jacket, in Church, one Sunday morning.   With some apprehension, I felt I must offer some sort of welcome after the service.   He was wearing a dog collar - a visiting local Curate!


A young man, with a sense of humour, made a serious mistake during his first week at a high Anglican theological college.   He helped to clear up after the Eucharist, and poured the wine down the sink: “You must not do that!  It is Christ’s blood!”  He went over to the sink and shouted down the plughole: “I’m sorry!”



Two children asked their aged grandfather if he could croak like a frog.   When he asked the reason, they replied that father had said they could move into a bigger house, when granddad croaked!


When a man’s mother reached her ninetieth birthday, he wanted a special present for her lonely years.   He tried a pet shop, and chose a brilliantly coloured parrot.   As he paid for it, he was told that it could speak four languages, fluently.   He was unable to attend the party, but sent his present with a family member.   When he called to see his mum, he asked how she liked the parrot.   “It fell off the bone!”   (She had cooked it!)   “But it could speak four languages!”   “It never said anything to me!”


A lecture at the Resources Exhibition: “How to preach for half an hour, and make it seem like ten minutes”.   Some could have done a talk on: “How to preach for ten minutes, and make it sound like half an hour!”


An optimist is a golfer, who cannot find his ball, and looks in the hole, first.






A Bible Class for young children, and taken by a very dignified Grammar School teacher, was asked to come next week with an object, and a suitable text from the Bible.   One boy lived on the edge of the country and found an ear of wheat.   Probably using his father’s concordance, he gave the lady the text from Canticles 7 verse 2: “Your belly is like a heap of wheat”.


A bank clerk remembered this incident when there was a security move in his bank.   He had to ask an elderly lady for identity confirmation.   She rummaged in her handbag for some minutes, and pulled out a small mirror.  After a steady gaze, she said: “Yes, it’s definitely me!”    The clerk hadn’t the nerve to refuse her business.


The family and his doctor pestered Harry to obtain a hearing aid.   Eventually one was fitted, and his doctor was pleased that he liked it.   “Are your family pleased?”

“I’ve not told them; but I have changed my Will, three times!”


This needs to be read aloud.   A vagrant called at an affluent man’s home, asking for odd jobs.   “There’s a can of yellow paint in the garage; paint my porch for me and I’ll pay you well.”

A few hours later, the man called at the back door and said: “I’ve finished.   But it was a Mercedes: not a Porsche!”


The man asked his Rabbi, “Why do you always answer questions by asking one?”   “Why shouldn’t we?”


The comedian Jasper Carrot said, his wife did not want to call their daughter Nora, but settled for Henrietta.


When scientists announce that they have discovered the Centre of the Universe: many thousands of self-centred people will feel disappointment.


One of the interesting people I have met walking round the Lake, was Peggy – walking her dog Sarah.   Peggy played the piano for the Methodist Ladies Meeting.   A friend of her late husband pointed out, that as a Church of England organist, he would turn in his grave, to know that she played for the Methodists.  “E, I don’t think so: he was cremated!”


Something out of place: Like a pork pie at a Bar Mitzvah, or a ham sandwich at a Synagogue picnic.


A definition of an organ recital is: a group of old ladies talking about their hospital operations.


Mo Molam, the Government Northern Ireland Secretary, was at Buckingham Palace having an audience with Her Majesty the Queen, when her Blueberry rang – she answered it.  Afterwards, the Queen asked: “Was it anyone important?”


In His divinity, Jesus would find it easier to create a galaxy: than, in His humanity to plane a doorframe.


Schoolboy Joke

An Irishman kept an unusual rare flightless bird appropriately called a Rarey.   Some enemies stole it and threw it over a high cliff.  He said: “It’s a long way to tip-a-Rarey!” (“It’s a long way to Tipperary”, a popular song in the 1914-18 War)


A mother took her little boy to the Doctor with stomach pains; the doctor prescribed “syrup of figs”.   “That’s an old remedy!”    “It’s an old complaint!”


Remember: when you point the finger at someone; you have THREE pointing at yourself!


After a long and happy marriage, the widower had to arrange for the inscription on his wife’s grave.   He called back after several days to view the result, which read: “She was thin”, whereas he asked for “She was thine”.

“You’ve missed the ‘e’ out!”

Next week he called to observe to his shock: “E, she was thin”.


Two unusual leaflets: 1. What do you miss in becoming a Christian?  Open the tract and you just see the word: “HELL”.

2. What the Bible teaches about “Infant Baptism”.  Open the tract: there is nothing in it!


A definition of the word “procrastination”: Putting off until tomorrow, what you have already put off until today!


There is no spiritual gift of “pew warming”.


Notice in the Infirmary car park: “Thieves are operating in this area.”






Why did the chicken cross the road?

Some foul reason

To reach the other side

To plot a hatch

To hatch a plot

He didn’t say, and was run over

He saw a fox coming

He saw the cook coming


A very thick book in Waterstones called “What men know about women” – all the pages were blank!


The vicar was walking down the village street, hoping to meet his parishioners.   He spoke to a retired farmer, working in his front garden: “You and God have done a good job there!”   “You should hav’ seen it when He had it by Hi’self!”


Two ladies came out of the supermarket together – to load their groceries into their Volkswagen Beatles.    One of them opened her front lid and said, “Someone’s stolen my engine!”   The other lady replied: “Don’t worry; I have a spare in my boot!”


A young driver appeared before the Magistrate on a minor accident charge.   The Magistrate wanted an answer to the question: “What gear were you in?”

“A Gucci jacket, Armani shirt, and Hugo Boss trousers!”


Two friends were playing golf, and discussing whether there would be golf in heaven.  “I’ll ask the Pastor, when I see him tonight.”

The next day his friend phoned him: “What did the Pastor say?”

“There is good news and bad news.   Yes there is golf in Heaven; but you’re down to play St Peter, tomorrow morning at 8.30!”


The Religious Studies teacher had put up a poster of the following text, in Urdu:

John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.”

When a Pakistani Muslim scholar was asked to translate, it actually said: “Jesus said, I am the chapatti of life….”


The King James Version of the Bible often appears quaint to us.   Who was the “clockwork  man”?

Ananias.  When he suddenly died, “the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him.” Acts 5:6


When my grandson ushered me away from the edge of the pavement, his comment was: “I’m practicing to be a good father.”  “So am I”, added my great-grandson.


A man was buying a new watch; just to be certain of its qualities, he asked if it was waterproof.   “To thirty fathoms,” replied the shop assistant.   “I only want it for washing-up!”


When I started to use the free delivery service of an Asian Pharmacist, I had the following conversation.

What’s your name?   Wilkinson.   Can you spell it please.

Where do you live?  Leander Drive.   Could you spell that.

It’s off Albion Street.   Could you spell that, please.

What is your medication?   Allopurinol.   Fine.


The young son of the host of a Charismatic Prayer Meeting was sent in from the kitchen, to find out how many wanted coffee, and he said: “Hands down for coffee!”


Schoolteacher to a boy: I must have told you a thousand times; not to exaggerate.







When the car door opened to release a strong perfume smell, I asked: Is that your perfume, or has someone been using fly spray?


A friend was preaching on the subject of Jeremiah’s work for God, and he quoted the text: “Thou art My Battle Axe!”

Without realising it, he pointed rather carelessly at his wife, who promptly shook her fist at him; much to the amusement of the congregation.



True: At the local Co-op, I placed my shopping on the conveyor belt, and noticed what the goods were and in what order: Marvel (dried milk), Comfort (softener for the washing machine), raisins, and biscuits.


So I said to the lady serving me: “I’m going to Church.   If I give these to the Vicar, do you think he will be able to preach a sermon on them?  We should marvel at the comfort of the raising of the dead – that takes the biscuit, came to me later.


Patients going into the operating theatre at a North West hospital, would look up at an arch inscribed with the text: “Prepare to meet thy God.”



What is worse than finding a slug in your salad?   Finding half a slug!


What is worse than finding a maker’s label on your food?   Finding half a label!


Jaimeson playing football with me – Leon came and asked if he could play.  Jaimeson – “Yes, as referee!”


Stonewall Jackson was looking to buy a pair of Wellington Boots, at a shop in Northern Ireland.   They were hung from a hook by being tied with a short piece of string.   He complained that the string was too short.


There was an Irishman who robbed a bank, and stole all their Paying-in books.


An officer in command of an Irish firing squad ordered: “Right men form a circle.”


Thinking that I had too many articles in the church magazine I wrote under the pseudonym of E. Lees (Edwin Lees – sounding like the Ealees Valley, in the neighbourhood).   Florence, did not know this, and said how good the articles were.   The Minister enquired if I knew him – “Very well, he sometimes preaches in the Circuit.”   Minister: “His theology is very thin!”   I later told him who it was!


HTL magazine, 2010

Some genuine extracts from Church Magazines


Next week’s Fasting and Prayer Conference in Whitby includes all meals.


Sunday morning sermon: ‘Jesus Walks on the Water’

Sunday evening Gospel sermon: ‘Searching for Jesus’.


Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale – it’s your last chance to get rid of those things that are not worth keeping around the house.   Bring your husbands.


Remember in prayer those who are sick of our community.


Smile at someone who is hard to love.

Say ‘Hell’, to someone who doesn’t care much about you.



When my son was at school, they had a highly respected Chemistry teacher, Mr Mitchell.   The boys were quick to misbehave in the laboratory, before the teacher arrived.   One youth splashed ink on the wall, from his fountain pen.   When the teacher arrived, he was displeased and asked: “Who did that?”

Out of respect the boy owned-up.

“Do you do that on your wall paper at home?”

“No Sir!”

“Then why do it here?”

“You don’t have wall paper on the wall here, Sir!”


At my son’s works, the Chairman noticed that the Supervisor had been to the hairdresser’s.

“Did you have it cut in the Firm’s time?”

“Yes, but it grows in the Firm’s time!”

“Not all of it!”

“I didn’t have all of it cut off!”

















This has got to be one of the cleverest
E-mails in awhile. 
Someone out there 
must be "deadly" at Scrabble.
(Wait till you see the last one)!

When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters: 


When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters: 


When you rearrange the letters:



When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:



When you rearrange the letters: 


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:



When you rearrange the letters:

Bet your friends haven't seen this one ! ! ! 











I am writing slowly because I know you can't read very fast.


When you get home, you will not recognise the house because we have moved.


Your father has a new job - he is over 600 men - he now works in a graveyard.


Your sister has had a baby - I do not know whether it is a boy or a girl, so I cannot tell you yet if you are an aunt or an uncle.


I went to the doctor's yesterday and the doctor placed a tube down my throat; he told me not to talk for half an hour. Your father asked where he could get one - to keep handy at home.


Your uncle who works in the whisky distillery fell in the vat, his friends tried to rescue him, but he successfully fought them off.


I was going to send you £5.00, but I have sealed the envelope.


Love, your Mother





IPS Secretary


Subject: FW: When life doesn’t seem to make sense anymore

This is a bricklayer's accident report, which was printed in the newsletter of the Australian equivalent to the Workers Compensation board and is a true story. Had this guy died, he'd have received a Darwin Award for sure....

Dear Sir,

I am writing in response to your request for additional information in Block 3 of the accident report form.


I put poor planning as the cause of my accident. You asked for a fuller explanation and I trust the following details will be sufficient. I am a bricklayer by trade. On the day of the accident, I was working alone on the roof of a new six-story building. When I completed my work, I found that I had some bricks left over which, when weighed later were found to be slightly in excess of 500lbs. Rather than carry the bricks down by hand, I decided to lower them in a barrel by using a pulley, which was attached to the side of the building on the sixth floor.


Securing the rope at ground level I went up to the roof, swung the barrel out, and loaded the bricks into it. Then I went down and untied the rope, holding it tightly to ensure a slow descent of the bricks. You will note in Block 11 of the accident report form that I weigh 135lbs. Due to my surprise at being jerked off the ground so suddenly, I lost my presence of mind and forgot to let go of the rope. Needless to say, I proceeded at a rapid rate up the side of the building.


In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel, which was now proceeding downward at an equally impressive speed. This explained the fractured skull, minor abrasions and the broken collar bone, as listed in section 3 of the accident report form. Slowed only slightly, I continued my rapid ascent, not stopping until the fingers of my right hand were two knuckles deep into the pulley. Fortunately by this time I had regained my presence of mind and was able to hold tightly to he rope, in spite of beginning to experience pain. At approximately the same time, however, the barrel of bricks hit the ground and the bottom fell out of the barrel.


Now devoid of the weight of the bricks, that barrel weighed approximately 50 lbs. I refer you again to my weight. As you can imagine, I began a rapid descent, down he side of the building. In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel coming up. This accounts for the two fractured ankles, broken tooth and several lacerations of my legs and lower body.


Here my luck began to change slightly. The encounter with the barrel seemed to slow me enough to lessen my injuries when I fell onto the pile of bricks and fortunately only three vertebrae were cracked. I am sorry to report, however, as lay there on the pile of bricks, in pain, unable to move, I again lost my composure and presence of mind and let go of the rope and I lay there watching the empty barrel begin is journey back down onto me. This explains the two broken legs.


I hope this answers your inquiry.




A thief broke into the home of a very rich man.  As he made his way through the first room he heard a voice saying, “Jesus, come quickly!”

Eventually he noticed that the voice was that of a parrot high on a curtain rail.

“What is your name then?”


“Who on earth would call his parrot Methuselah?”

“Someone who would call his Rottweiler ‘Jesus’!”



A young man named Brad received a parrot as a gift.

The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary.

Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity.   Brad tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up' the bird's vocabulary.

Finally, Brad was fed up and he yelled at the parrot.  The parrot yelled back. Brad shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. Brad, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed.
Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.

Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, Brad quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto Brad's outstretched arms and said "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and
actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and un-forgivable behaviour."

Brad was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude.

As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behaviour, the bird spoke-up, very softly,

"May I ask what the turkey did?







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Some people’s minds are like concrete: thoroughly mixed and permanently set.

(Christmas cracker)


A class were reading the story of John the Baptist’s death.  The teacher explained that traditionally the young woman who danced was Salome.  A boy called out from the back: “Sir, they named a sausage after her!” (Salami)


The builder’s labourer (short version)

A labourer, working on a building site, had a huge canvas container of rubble high on a scaffolding platform.  He attached the hook of a pulley system to the handles, and returned to the ground to lower it down.   With some difficulty he negotiated the heavy load to the edge of the platform.  Eventually it swung clear.  The ratio of the weight, in the pulley system, resulted in the rubble weighing much more than the man, and with great speed the container descended, and the labourer, with the rope wound tightly round his wrists, shot upwards!  As they passed, he received a harsh knock from the rubble container – he then hit the pulleys at the top.  The rubble hit the ground and burst the canvas.  Now the man was the heavier; so he now descended, the remains of the container hit him a second time, as they past.  His grasp of the rope slackened, and the junk on the other end of the rope, now came crashing on him from a great height, as he lay on the rubble.  Not a good day for him!



True story

A very dear Scottish lady at a church in Castleton (Mrs Mocker …), walked all the way back to the grocer’s shop to claim two pence she had been given short in her change.  Another Scottish lady, a close friend, was in the shop when she arrived.

“It’s people like you that give us Scots a bad name!  You will have walked two pennyworth of leather off your shoe coming back.”



My son was on holiday by Loch Ness.  Two young ladies were running the Post Office, whilst their parents were away.  They had been told not to phone unless there was a real problem – flooding was a strong possibility.

They did telephone.  “How high is the flood water?”   “It’s over my ankles.”  “That’s not high.”  “But I’m upstairs in my bedroom!”



Subject: Whom Does The Land of Israel Belong To?



An Israeli Sense of Humour at UN set the record straight.

An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.

A representative from Israel began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses: When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!'

Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Palestinian had stolen them!

The Palestinian representative at the UN jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren't there then.'

The Israeli representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.’





One day while he was at the track playing the ponies and all but 
losing his shirt, Mitch noticed a priest who stepped out onto the 
track and blessed the forehead of one of the horses lining up for the 
4th race.. 

Lo and behold, that horse - a very long shot - won the race.. 

Before the next race, as the horses began lining up, Mitch watched 
with interest the old priest step onto the track. Sure enough, as the 
5th racehorses came to the starting gate the priest made a blessing 
on the forehead of one of the horses. 

Mitch made a beeline for a betting window and placed a small bet on 
the horse...  Again, even though it was another long shot, the horse 
the priest had blessed won the race. 

Mitch collected his winnings, and anxiously waited to see which horse 
the priest would bless for the 6th race. The priest again blessed a horse. 

Mitch bet big on it, and it won. Mitch was elated.. As the races 
continued the priest kept blessing long shot horses, and each one 
ended up coming in first. 

By and by, Mitch was pulling in some serious money. By the last race, 
he knew his wildest dreams were going to come true. He made a quick 
dash to the ATM, withdrew all his savings, and awaited the priest's 
blessing that would tell him which horse to bet on. 

True to his pattern, the priest stepped onto the track for the last 
race and blessed the forehead of an old nag that was the longest shot 
of the day.. 

Mitch also observed the priest blessing the eyes, ears, and hooves of 
the old nag.  Mitch knew he had a winner and bet every cent he owned 
on the old nag. 

He then watched dumbfounded as the old nag come in dead last. Mitch, 
in a state of shock, made his way down to the track area where the 
priest was.  Confronting the old priest he demanded, 'Father! What happened?  All day long you blessed horses and they all won. Then in the last race, the horse you blessed lost by a Kentucky mile. Now, thanks to you I've lost every cent of my savings -- all of it!’ 

The priest nodded wisely and with sympathy. 'Son,' he said, 'that's the problem with you Protestants, you can't tell the difference between a simple blessing and last rites.’






Tommy Cooper would often say to a taxi driver, late at night: “Have a drink on me,” as he stuffed something into their top pocket.  On reaching home the driver would find a tea bag.



For the grandparents-to-be and those who already are

Good morning. . . . At present we are not at home but, please leave your message after you hear the beep. beeeeeppp ...
If you are one of our children, dial 1 and then select the option from 1 to 5 in order of "arrival" so we know who it is.
If you need us to stay with the children, press 2
If you want to borrow the car, press 3
If you want us to wash your clothes and ironing, press 4
If you want the grandchildren to sleep here tonight, press 5
If you want us to pick up the kids at school, press 6
If you want us to prepare a meal for Sunday or to have it delivered to your home, press 7
If you want to come to eat here, press 8
If you need money, dial 9
If you are going to invite us to dinner, or, taking us to the theatre start talking we are listening !!!!!!!!!!!"

 If you are not a grandparent you will still love this. If you are it shows how precious the babies are and what we mean to them.

(Taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds)

Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own.
They like other people's.

A grandfather is a man, & a grandmother is a lady!

Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.

When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.

They show us and talk to us about the colours of the flowers and also why we shouldn't step on 'cracks.'

They don't say, 'Hurry up.'

They wear glasses and funny underwear.

They can take their teeth and gums out.

Grandparents don't have to be smart.

They have to answer questions like 'Why isn't God married?' and 'How come dogs chase cats?'

When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.

Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.

They know we should have snack time before bed time, and they say prayers with us and kiss us even when we've acted badly.












A Mr Vernon wanted to build and open a bar called “Drummond’s Bar”, in his town in Texas; but it was opposite the local church.   The congregation objected to the bar.   They tried to resist it, but it was being built anyway.   So this church started a prayer campaign to stop the bar being built.   However, work continued.  Just before completion, lightening struck the bar, and it burned to the ground.   The bar owner sued the church, because it was ‘an act of God’, in answer to their prayers that had destroyed the premises.   The church denied responsibility, and the case went to Court.   The whole thing mystified the Judge; but in his judgement stated: “I don’t know what to make of this.   We have here a bar owner, who believes in the power of prayer; and an entire church organisation that does not!”

Told at a recent conference by The Very Reverend Dr David Lacey, a Former Moderator of The Church of Scotland


An eminent businessman was frequently invited to lecture on his successes; but in actual fact his talks were the work of his Personal Assistant, to whom he gave no credit or thanks.   She had had enough!   He stood to lecture his way through an impressive talk, when he reached the statement: “And here are my ten main points,” at the foot of the page.   When he turned over, there were only the words: “You are on your own now!”


A missionary speaker made the point that if Adam and Eve had been Chinese, they would have cooked the Serpent!


A newly ordained Methodist Minister was sitting in his vestry, when a pretty young lady knocked at the door and came and came in, with the words: “Will you marry me?”   Fortunately he realized that what she actually meant was: “Will you take my marriage service?”


I boarded a bus which obviously had the wrong destination indicated.  The driver’s response was: “It has India on the tyres; but we are not going there either!”  I took me thirty-five years to think of an answer: “You’re not going to Tyre on the Levant coast, either!”


Two men had been fun-loving students together.   One became a high-ranking Naval Officer: the other a Bishop.   One day, in later life, they arrived at opposite sides of the platform in a London station.   The Bishop, in full regalia, called to the uniformed Admiral: “Come here my man and take my luggage!”   To which he received the reply: “Certainly for a woman in your condition!”


Tricky Names

You can easily remember the Secretary’s name: Miss Terry (mystery).

A friend at school: Terry Bell (terrible).

An unfortunate Jewish girl: Ailsa Seltzer (like the indigestion medicine Alka-Seltzer).













Jamie Theakston:

Where do you think Cambridge University is?


Geography isn't my strong point.

Jamie Theakston:

There's a clue in the title.




Stewart White:

Who had a worldwide hit with What A Wonderful World?


I don't know.

Stewart White:

I'll give you some clues: what do you call the part between your hand and your elbow?



Stewart White:

Correct And if you're not weak, you're...?



Stewart White:

Correct - and what was Lord Mountbatten's first name?



Stewart White:

Well, there we are then. So who had a worldwide hit with the song What A Wonderful World?


Frank Sinatra?


Alex Trelinski:

What is the capital of Italy ?




France is another country. Try again.


Oh, um, Benidorm..


Wrong, sorry, let's try another question. In which country is the Parthenon?


Sorry, I don't know.


Just guess a country then.




Anne Robinson:

Oscar Wilde, Adolf Hitler and Jeffrey Archer have all written books about their experiences in what: - Prison, or the Conservative Party?


The Conservative Party.


DJ Mark:

For 10, what is the nationality of the Pope?

Ruth from Rowley Regis:

I think I know that one. Is it Jewish?


Bamber Gascoyne:

What was Gandhi's first name?



GWR FM ( Bristol )


What happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963 ?


I don't know, I wasn't watching it then.



What's 11 squared?


I don't know.


I'll give you a clue.. It's two ones with a two in the middle.


Is it five?



Which American actor is married to Nicole Kidman?


Forrest Gump.



On which street did Sherlock Holmes live?


Er. .. ...


He makes bread . . ...


Er . .....


He makes cakes . . ...


Kipling Street ?



Which is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world?




I was really after the name of a country.


I'm sorry, I don't know the names of any countries in Spain



What is the world's largest continent?


The Pacific.



Name a film starring Bob Hoskins that is also the name of a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Steve Le Fevre:

What was signed, to bring World War I to an end in 1918?


Magna Carta?


James O'Brien:

How many kings of England have been called Henry?


Er, well, I know there was a Henry the Eighth ... ER. ER ... Three?


Chris Searle:

In which European country isMount Etna?



Chris Searle:

I did say which European country, so in case you didn't hear that, I can let you try again.


Er ..... Mexico ?


Paul Wappat:

How long did the Six-Day War between Egypt and Israellast?

Contestant (long pause):

Fourteen days.


Daryl Denham:

In which country would you spend shekels?


Holland ?

Daryl Denham:

Try the next letter of the alphabet.


Iceland ? Ireland ?

Daryl Denham: (helpfully)

It's a bad line. Did you say Israel ?




Phil Wood:

What 'K' could be described as the Islamic Bible?


Er. ... ...

Phil Wood:

It's got two syllables . . .. Kor . .



Phil Wood:

Ha ha ha ha, no. The past participle of run . . ....



Phil Wood:

OK, try it another way. Today I run, yesterday I . . ..




Melanie Sykes:

What is the name given to the condition where the sufferer can fall asleep at any time?





What religion was Guy Fawkes?




That's close enough.



Johnny Weissmuller died on this day. Which jungle-swinging character clad only in a loin cloth did he play?











Series Twenty-two



A teenage boy had just passed his 
driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.

His father said he'd make a deal 
with his son: 'You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car.' The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.

After about six weeks his father said, 
'Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut.

The boy said, 'You know, Dad, I've 
been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair...and there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.

You're going to love the Dad's reply:

'Did you also notice they all walked 
everywhere they went?'












Signing the Register at a wedding, the Best Man had difficulty making his ballpoint pen work.  “Put your weight on it,” said the Vicar, helpfully.  The Best Man duly signed: “James Wilson, ten stones, four pounds.”


The newly married wife said to her husband: “The two best things I cook are: meatloaf, and apple dumplings.”

Husband politely: “Um…and which one is this?”


“How was it you were born in Scunthorpe?”

“Well, you see, I thought it was important to be near my mother.””


Little girl: “Our new teacher wanted to know whether I had any brothers or sisters.  I told her I was an only child.”

Mother: “What did she say?”

Child: “She said, thank goodness for that!”


An advert in a local paper: “Wanted a babysitter – one dollar per hour; plus fridge benefits.”


Auntie Agnes asked my son what he wanted to be when he grew up.  “A big boy,” he replied.


Mother: “Today, I want you to take your brother Eddie to the Zoo.”

Rodney: “Not me.  If they want him, they’ll have to come and fetch him.”


A Bishop of Carlisle was terminating an interview with a very difficult woman of the diocese who had come to Rose Castle, once again, to lodge a complaint.  They were in the hall, just getting round to the final handshake, when the Bishop’s wife called downstairs, “Has that stupid woman finally gone, dear?”

Quick as a flash, the Bishop replied, “Yes, my love, she went ages ago. I’m with Mrs Robinson just now.”




1. God commands it: "... not staying away from our meetings, as some do...." (Hebrews 10v25 NEB)


(I now realize that there can be various reasonable, inevitable causes which interfere with our desire to comply: health, work schedules, economics, geographical, incarceration for the Gospel, conditions in local congregations and their leadership – heresy, or antagonism, and so on.   We may need innovative methods of having fellowship!   There is a whole movement in the Church called “Fresh Expressions”.)


2. To experience worship on Earth; a token of worship in Heaven.

3. I enjoy karaoke.

4. To hear God speak to me through others.

5. To be taught more about the Way.

6. As a witness to my neighbours, who see me leave for church early and hurrying – not like most Jehovah’s Witnesses, who invariably walk slowly.

7. As God's witness to the heavenly beings.

8. As proof of my seriousness - not being lukewarm.

9. To receive the needed help others can give.

10. To give the help only I can give to others.

11. To have life placed in perspective and re-orientated (Psalms 5, 84): to formulate the week.

12. To experience the most joyful part of worship: the Collection. (2 Corinthians 9v7)

13. To put my shoulder to the strength of corporate prayer.

14. To keep in touch with the life of the Church - hopefully.

15. To find out how my friends are.

16. To have communion with Christ and His people at the Lord's Table.

17. To hear the reading of the infallible Word of God.

18. To give and receive prophecies, encouragement and healing.

19. To tell others my joys and sorrows.

20. Because I'm the Minister.






The favourite hymn of dentists:

“Crown him with many crowns.”


The astronomer’s comment to his dentist:

“Can you see any Black Holes?”


The Judge’s comment to his dentist:

“I want the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth!”


The dentist’s question to the Trade Union Secretary:

“Do you want, ‘One out all out’”?



Series Twenty-three





“Watch the blackboard while I run through it again!”


“If you don’t be quiet there will be trouble with a capital D! (Detention)”


“Every time I open my mouth, some fool speaks!”


“If you don’t stop talking, I will have you for chewing in class (a piece of chewing gum was visible on a lower left molar).”


“What are you reading under the desk?”

“It’s a Bible, Sir!” (It was a Religious Studies Lesson.)

“You are looking for Revelation chapter 13.” (One of those films about the Antichrist had recently been shown on television.)




True: My Aunty Sylvia used to live close to a gas works.   She thought the air at the seaside smelt funny.



An American family were due to return their hire car to Shannon Airport, but they were hopelessly lost in the labyrinthine roads of central Ireland.  When they asked the way, the old farmer replied: “Well if I were you, I wouldn’t start from here.”




I met my girlfriend in the supermarket – and asked if we could walk down the aisle together!





Series Twenty-four



From the Daily Mail and elsewhere


In the {Milton-Freewater Valley Herald} the following retraction was printed: "The title of a program in last week's paper should have been recorded as 'Our God Reigns.' It was inaccurately recorded as 'Our God Resigns.' "


Don’t let worry kill you: let the church help


Subject and Preacher:

“Know your enemy”

The Vicar


They may party in Hell; but you will be the Barbeque!


Don’t give up!

Moses was once a Basket Case!


Don’t wait for six strong men to take you to church!


Forbidden Fruit creates many jams.


Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.


Be as good a person as your pet believes you are


If you don’t like the way you were born …

Try being Born Again


Seven days without prayer makes one weak


Redemption – God’s recycling plan


Give your troubles to God,

He’ll be up all night, anyway


Jesus is the Rock that doesn’t roll.


A wide mouth usually accompanies a narrow mind.


Families are like FUDGE … mostly sweet, with a few nuts


Good Friday, a bad day to bury Good News



The Road to Hell, with Canon J. John


Morning Service

“10 Virgins in Crisis”

Evening Missions Service

“What can one man do?”


“Thursday night there will be a bring and share supper – there will be prayer and medication afterwards.


At the evening service tonight, the Sermon topic will be “What is Hell like?”   Come early and listen to the Choir practice.




Series Twenty-five 



Weight Watchers will meet at 7.0pm at Bromley Baptist Church, please use the large double doors at the side entrance.


Saturday, 9.30am, Prayer Meeting, Foe the Life and Work of this Church


Bertha Belt, one of our Mission Partners will be speaking at Camberly Free Evangelical Church; come tonight and hear Bertha Belt all the way from Africa.


Deirdre Williams sadly is in hospital, and is having trouble sleeping; she requests that someone bring her tapes of Pastor Paul’s sermons to help.


The Youth Leader at an Anglican Church saw the need for an authoritative talk on the facts of life, and Christian responsibility.   The Vicar was only too willing to help.   However, not wishing to write the word “Sex” in his diary, he used the code word “Sailing”, being confident that he would know what it meant.   A day before the talk, the Youth Group Leader phoned the Vicarage; but the Reverend was out.  His wife said she would check his diary, to make sure he was booked for the talk.   “I can’t think what he can say about that; he has only tried it twice: the first time he was sick, and the second time his hat blew off!”


“Prayer is the slender nerve which moves the muscle of Omnipotence.”   Quoted in a sermon at Holy Trinity Brompton


“People are like teabags: you don’t know what they are like inside, until you put them in hot water.” Rick Warren


We know that summer is here when we hear the chirruping of the ‘lesser spotted burglar alarm’.


“We may not all sleep, but we will all be changed.”  This quotation from 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51, may not have been appropriate for the baby’s bedroom!


Do Theologians Communicate?

“Indeed, it is vital to remind ourselves that these lavish gifts of ontological transformation, of pneumatological resource and eschatological promise, cannot be co-opted by those who don't know Jesus. These are his gifts to his people. Ultimately our hope lies in relationship with Christ. The one who died for us is the one who lives in us. The one who calls us is the one who pours his life into us. Christ is the hub of it all.”


Mark Greene, Executive Director of the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity; page 90, Christianity Magazine, April 2008




News from abroad – Georgia, Central Asia

Since independence in 1991, interest in spiritual things and the Christian faith in particular has increased greatly.

The former Department of Atheism at the national university is now a theological faculty.




Pray for Revival in the Church, or you may be upset and unprepared, when it happens.        St iPod II


Outward peace is not guaranteed: only inner peace.

J. M. W. Turner, the famous British artist, toured through Lancashire and Yorkshire in the nineteenth century, preparing for watercolours to be made later into engraved illustrations.


On working on the engraving entitled “Wycliffe near Rokeby”, Turner introduced a strong shaft of light, and a fleeing flock of geese.   The symbolism was: “This is the place where Wycliffe was born (John Wycliffe 1324-1384), and there is the light of the glorious reformation.”   And the geese: “Oh, those – those are the old superstitions which the genius of the Reformation is driving away.”


(Taken from the Catalogue (p 46) for the “Turner and Dr Whitaker” exhibition at Towneley Hall, 1982)




Have you noticed that at the Resurrection, the door of the empty tomb was left open?

Well He was born in a stable!



Series Twenty-six



The young East Londoner had two equally impressive girlfriends, Susan and Maria – which should he choose?

Being of a Roman Catholic background, he decided to enter a church and pray – near the chancel steps.   When he looked up, he saw what he took to be the answer, written on a scroll in the stained glass: “’ave Maria”.


In the abbreviated language of texting, there was a curious piece of dialect from my granddaughter: “do u want owt” from the shops.


The organist at St Martin’s did not have previous access to a loaned keyboard, when the congregation moved into the parish hall.  Unfortunately her heavy music copy fell onto the machine, and “Praise my soul the King of Heaven” came out as Rock n Roll.

I thought, at last we’ve moved into the new century. They could not right it, and had to pull the plug out of the wall socket.



A little boy knelt to pray one night, and said: “Same as last night. Amen.”


Not a joke: when we read the Bible we should note: Promises to claim, and Commands to obey.


How does King Wenslazlas like his pizzas?   Deep pan, crisp and even!


The Office Manager rang: “How good were your sales in summer?”   “Wonderful,” came the reply, but a colleague asked, “July?”   “No I told the truth.”


A Member was showing two Americans round the House of Commons, when a friend called Neil came into view wearing his full robes.   “Hi, Neil!” called the Member.   The Americans fell to their knees!

What comes dark and steaming out of Cowes every morning?   The Isle of Wight ferry on its way to Portsmouth.


A man was boasting in the Swiss Officers’ Mess about his new bride’s capabilities: whilst cooking a three course meal, she could deal on the stock exchange, talk to her sister on the phone, and read the newspaper.   Marvellous what these Swiss Army Wives can do (Swiss Army Knives).


The Vicar dreamt he was preaching a long sermon; and woke-up to find he was.


Notice on a door: “Beware of the cat!”  Will someone have, “Beware of the budgie”.


People who condemn the Church should remember the saying: Don’t judge the Star by the Fan Club!



Series Twenty-seven




"All happy families resemble one another, every unhappy family is unhappy after its own way."   Opening words of "Anna Karenina", by Tolstoy


"When everything is effects, nothing is effective."  McNay, The Guardian.


"For evil to prevail, it only needs for good men to be silent." Burke.


"When we pray, we say - Our Father, which art in heaven – if you’d put that conker away I'd really appreciate it!"  School Christian Union quest speaaker.


Psalm 137, Scottish Psalter

"And blessed shall that trooper be,

Who riding on his naggy,

Shall tak' tha' wee bairns by their taes,

And ding them on the craggy!"


A little girl was asked if she was afraid to walk through the graveyard.  Her reply: "Oh no, my home is just on the other side."

R. Hudson Pope.


Canon Michael Green wrote that the Early Church was: urgent, compassionate, flexible, open to the Spirit, lay orientated, untroubled by buildings, mobile, dialectic, and communal.   The Church today is: dilatory, indifferent, rigid, man-centred, clerically dominated, building conscious, static, dogmatic, and individualistic.


When the Pope criticised the prophets in the paintings of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo replied, that they were simple people, who did not wear gold on their garments.


Most of the American astronauts were involved in petty crime: James Irwin admitted taking 400 envelopes to frank, as part of a private deal to make extra money.


"If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"


Not a joke: Dr William Foxwell Albright, described as the greatest living orientalist in his time, wrote: "Thanks to modern research we can now recognise the Bible's substantial historicity.   The narratives of the Patriarchs, of Moses and the Exodus, of the Conquest of Canaan, of the Judges, the Monarchy, Exile and Restoration, have all been confirmed and illustrated to an extent that I should have thought impossible forty years ago ... To sum up, we can now again treat the Bible as an authentic document of religious history."


If you cannot sleep at night, do not count sheep - talk to the Shepherd.


God's plans for us cannot be improved upon.


Importunity knocks!


The Hall Porter at the Ritz Hotel, says that the saddest man he ever saw, was also the richest!


Fact: There are 60,000 miles of veins, capillaries and arteries, in the human body.


Because of language limitations, one verse of the Eskimo Bible reads: There is much tail-wagging in the presence of the angels, over one sinner who repents.


You might as well talk about a Dictionary being produced in an explosion in a printing works, as talk about life being made by chance.


The Princess, who kissed a frog and found a Prince, had a head start on Evolution.


A Behavioural Psychologist tested an ape by placing it in a room full of children's toys.  To find out its reaction, he placed his eye to the keyhole - the ape was already looking through at him.


Snakes have vestigial legs.


Of the two testaments of the Bible: the New is in the Old concealed, the Old is in the New revealed.


G. K. Chesterton said that people, who do not believe in God, will not believe in nothing, they will believe anything.



Series Twenty-eight, Jokes and Jottings


Karl Barth, the eminent Swiss theologian, when an old man, was asked what his greatest discovery had been, he replied - "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!"


The Dove is the only animal without a gall.


American Indian proverb: Do not judge a man, until you have walked one Moon in his moccasins.


Absence Note to a boy's teacher: Glen was with me yesterday.   I took him to the Zoo to see his cousins.



Two Irish jokes:

An Irish diver was making his way along the seabed, when the captain of his ship called him on the intercom: I think you had better come up, we're sinking!


An American was driving through an Irish village, and stopped to ask the way: "Can you tell me where there is a large Italianate mansion, built in the Palladian style?"   The old Irishman thought for a long time and then admitted that he could not.   As he drove down the street, the American noticed, in his driving mirror, that the old man had been joined by a second aged citizen, and was vigorously waving him back.   He reversed and lowered his window.  The old man said, "I have just asked my brother, and I thought you would like to know that he does not know where it is either."




An eminent Moralist was quoted on the evils of smoking - the whole symposium dissolved in laughter, when someone suggested he was probably the type of person, who chain-smoked - he was!


In 1949, Willia McCarther (sic), a 38-year-old divorced mother of five, gave birth to Siamese twins - joined at the crown of their heads.  They were given little hope of living and even less of ever walking.   Willia said these remarkable words: "God gave them to me, so I guess He'll show me the way to raise them."   After two years they were allowed out of hospital.   In order to pay off the medical bills, Willia had to take them round as circus exhibits.   They did walk - with a crab-like movement, had a great sense of humour, quite different characters, became Gospel Singers, started a course to become children's nurses, and died at the age of 43 this year/in 1993.





A young Jewish couple, who had recently joined the Christian Faith, approached the local vicar, in their house-hunting in a country parish.   They returned home after finding a suitable cottage, but had forgotten to check on the kind of toilet it had.

They asked the vicar, by letter, to obtain details.  Unfortunately, the vicar misunderstood the earthy connotation of WC, being a keen Church Historian, and took it to mean Wesleyan Chapel; his reply was as follows.


Dear Friends,

Thank you for your letter.   The nearest WC is twelve miles away, and serves a radius of twenty-five miles.   Most people attend on Sundays, a few can attend during the week.   In summer, many make a day out of it: taking a picnic for the whole family.


The architecture is Modernised Gothic Revival; the seating can take three hundred on plush seats, fifty on wooden ones - there is room for another fifty standing.   You will enjoy the fact that husbands and wives sit together - not as in the Synagogue.    The minister has his own special Throne - an antique brought from the nearby country home of Lord…


It is situated in the middle of the most beautiful country – many enjoy the walk, but some travel by car or public transport.  There is often a queue at the door - where sheets printed with the order of service are handed to everyone.   A single bell is tolled for twenty minutes, once the door is unlocked.   Many linger for an hour or so - enjoying pleasant conversation.


It pains me, but I have not attended since I arrived here six years ago, although my wife has a better record.


Yours faithfully

The Vicar.


Adapted from "Christian Crackers 4",   Phil Mason





"In the nineteenth century, from his study of the Old and New Testaments Lord Ashley, the future [3rd] Earl of Shaftesbury, an outstanding pioneer of social reform, became convinced that the return of the Jews to Palestine was part of the divine plan.   In 1839 he managed to persuade Lord Palmerston, the Foreign Secretary [and later Prime Minister], that Palestine should become a Jewish national homeland, with Jerusalem as its capital, under Turkish rule but with British protection.   It was an extraordinary premature vision."    (p 74, "The Guiness Legend", Michele Guiness, Hodder and Stoughton, 1990)


One of my heroes is Professor Yigael Yadin, archaeologist, politician and soldier.   He wrote of an experience, during the exploration of the caves of Shimeon Bar-Kokhba: " ... we suddenly heard a roaring noise from the direction of the canyon ... Simultaneously we heard shouts of joy from members of our team who ran through the camp, shouting: 'Water in the Nahal Hever!   A flood in Nahal Hever!'   The skies above were blue and we could not see even a tiny cloud.   We ran to the brink of the precipice and got there just when tons of gushing water from the west had reached our area.   The water was the result of heavy rains that fell several hours earlier inland, near Hebron and other parts of the country, while we in the desert had enjoyed a beautiful dry day.   We hurried further west, about one kilometre closer to the Cave of Horrors, for a better view ... Incredible quantities of water mixed with earth swept down towards the bottom of the canyon, as if coming from nowhere ... enjoying the deafening noise of the falling of water ... this phenomenon of nature."

"Bar-Kokhba", Yigael Yadin, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971, p 215



  1. A young man turned to his girlfriend and said, “I would ask you to marry me, but you might say yes.”


2.   A question was set in a General Studies, "A" Level paper, which required the proving of the statistical fact, that a cup of wine drunk several thousand years ago, contained so many molecules, that a cup drunk today, anywhere in the World, would contain at least one molecule from it.


3.   From a Christmas cracker:

"Some people's minds are like concrete - thoroughly mixed, and permanently set!"


4.   Church poster:  "Love won another."


5.   "I find it hard to believe God made the World in six days; I wonder why it took him so long."


6.   "If you can't sleep at night, don't count the sheep, talk to the Shepherd."


7.   "Importunity knocks!"


8.   Graffiti on an American university wall:

"God is dead, signed, Nietzsche."

In another hand:

"Nietzsche is dead, signed, God!"


9.   Notice over a kitchen sink:

"Divine service held here three times daily."


10.   God's real blessing can only be on churches in a forward gear - so many are in neutral or reverse.


11.   Archbishop Lefevre's young son was looking for a key on his father's desk.   He found a decorative Cross, and asked, "Is this the key?"   "Yes, that is the key to everything."


12.   Go to the Psalmist: not the Palmist.


13.   "Do not pray for justice: you might get it."   The character Eve, in "The Litchfield Festival Play (1946)" by Dorothy L. Sayers


14. Only by intelligent design, have we seen evolution from the stage coach to the Porsche



15. Patrick Moore, when asked about Astrology replied: "Well it establishes a great scientific fact: that there is one born every minute."


16. Payne Stewart, winner of the US Open, was greatly influenced by this statement: "We're not in the Land of the Living, going to the Land of the Dying; but we're in the Land of the Dying, going to the Land of the Living."


17. God is the best friend you could ever have: but He is the worst enemy.


18. Jesus found it easier to form the Andromeda Galaxy, than to make a farm yoke in the carpenter's workshop.


19. On Post modernism: To say that there can be no absolutes is in itself, an absolute.


20. If you think church members grumble, you listen to football supporters.


21. In a graveyard south of Dublin:

Oh stranger pause as you go by;

As you are, so once was I,

As I am, so will you be,

So be prepared to follow me.

Someone had written below:

To follow you, I'd be content.

But hanged if I know which way you went.


22. If people do not sense their danger; they will have no interest in the offer of escape.


23. Becoming a Christian is like pleading guilty and throwing yourself on the mercy of the Court.


24. Not only do we spoil God's World by our sin; but we require God to watch.


25. "Go into all the World and preach the Gospel."

The Great Commission has become the Great Omission.


26. "Stolen water is sweet"; but it usually leads to dysentery.


27. A wealthy American paid for three posters in his locality.

On highway hoardings: Which part of "Thou shalt not" don't you understand?   Signed God.

At a busy road junction: If you don't stop using my Name in vain, I will make you wait longer.   Signed God.

On very hot public transport: If you think it's hot here ...   Signed God.


28. Sometimes we cannot see the currents for the waves.


29. I had an easy day today: bearing in mind I signed-up for martyrdom.


Missionaries serving the Church in a South American country devised THEIR ENGLES SCALE.


1.  No awareness of God.

2.  Some awareness of God.

3.  Awareness of Christians.

4. Contacts with Christians.

5.  Interest in Jesus Christ.

6.  Investigate Jesus.

7.  Grasp the truth about Jesus.

8.  Accept Christian truth.

9.  Awareness of personal need.

10.  Become a Christian.








“Jesus doesn’t come to rub it in; but to rub it out.”  Canon J. John


A local cloth producing firm does: “Dying and Finishing”.


A Milnrow mill is called “Ellen Road Yarns”.  Is it a joke factory?



A farmer stood out for many years against his bank manager’s persuasion to use a cheque account; eventually he gave-in.   After a while he was heavily in debt to the bank.  The manager called him in and remonstrated with him: that he owed the bank a large some of money.   The farmer replied, “Don’t worry; I’ll write you a cheque!”



A little boy arrived at school, and waited for the Headmaster to arrive.   He held out a hand full of marbles – “You can have these sir....  My father says you have lost yours.”


A man had the habit of wearing a gold cross in his lapel.  One day the commuter train was full and he found himself standing by a lady who asked him about it: “Does that cross mean anything to you?”   He explained at length, and as they left the train she explained that she was a Nun, but wanted the other passengers to hear the Message.


A new curate recorded one of his early sermons, so he could measure its effect on the congregation.   On Monday morning he sat down to listen to his cassette recorder.   He fell asleep.


An officer was inspecting troops, and pointing his cane at the chest of soldiers, said, “There’s a scruffy man at the end of this cane!”  “Not at this end Sir!” - came the reply.


A group of potential officer recruits were marching to their billets.  Two of were in charge for the day.   As they passed two officers, to their left, the leaders gave the only order they could think of: “Eyes right!”   They looked the wrong way, of course.   This left the two officers doubled-up with hysterics at the side of the road.


Have you noticed that the military Mess is always in an immaculate condition of tidiness?   Whilst the Orderly Room, is the untidiest office you have ever seen.


When I took my daughter, and her infants’ school friend, to hear the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, our seats were behind the Brass Section – facing the audience.   The young Conductor brought in the Brass by raising his eyebrows and looking in our direction.   The two girls were in hysterics, and several thousand people were entertained by my attempts to keep them quiet!


At about the age of three, my daughter was threateningly precociously able.  In an attempt to quell the advance, I asked her if she knew what “antidisestablishmentarianism” was (this was the longest word I knew).  Her reply: “I don’t have an auntie called that!”


At a younger age, Florence was carrying her down the staircase.  As they past beneath a low overhang, the mother suggested they “Duck”.  The little girl’s response was “Quack, quack!”  The story earned us a fiscal prize in a Mothers Magazine.


I realized that if I ever meet Her Majesty the Queen, blowing my nose into a paper handkerchief could result in sending a storm of paper snowflakes in her direction.   All is resolved: the last packet I bought is by Appointment to her Majesty the Queen.


A Twitter to Rev Nicky Gumble addressed him as “Nicky one jumper Gumble.”






A true story from history:

The irrelevant rambling of his Court Preacher annoyed King James the First to the point that the King shouted up to the pulpit: “Either make sense, or come down out of that pulpit!”   The preacher replied, “I will do neither!”


Roughly remembered

A rather troublesome boy visited the Headmaster, before leaving to seek his fortune: “When I return to this school, I will be a millionaire!”    “When you return to my school you will be trespassing!”

He did return to give his testimony to the Christian Union, as he set out on a remarkable career in the Church.


The school received an anonymous phone call in an Irish accent: “This is a bomb hoax!”



A man had ordered a birthday cake, and the iced writing: “Happy 40th Birthday, and nothing under that.”   Indeed, the confectioner wrote exactly what the man had said!




One of our local Vicars was a racing driver.  He sometimes went to the White House pub, at the top of Blackstone Edge, for a drink.   “Would anyone like a lift into Littleborough?”   The unsuspecting person, who accepted, would not forget the next five minutes of his life – indeed he would be grateful to see his destination still in one piece.


A Headmistress’s friend of my Aunts told of these two events.

The Reception Teacher asked if any child could count.  His Grandfather had taught the little boy who answered.   He concluded: “Eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King.”


A little boy gave his name as “Gooie”.  No one believed him: but his sisters, and even the boy’s mother confirmed the fact.  When the Head Mistress asked how to spell it, the truth came out: “G-U-Y.”


President Lincoln practiced as a lawyer, and had a wry sense of humour.

When accused of being “Twofaced,” he replied, “Impossible, when you see the one I have now!”


He called an accused a soldier, to which the man pointed out that he was an officer.   Lincoln continued: “Here is an officer, who is no soldier.”



Someone was watching a Royal Wedding on television, and decided to change channels.   The sound said that the Archbishop of Canterbury was holding the couples’ hands and saying … touch gloves and come out fighting.”


A Bishop was introducing an Australian speaker, but unfortunately use the word “Antediluvian”; not “Antipodean”.


My neighbour asked about my wife’s health.  I pointed downwards.

 “She is down there … she’s in Australia, visiting relatives!”


A preacher said he would speak on the first three words in his Bible; they happened to be: “Genuine Bonded Leather.”


A preacher wanting to emphasize the truth of the Bible, said: “Even the leather is genuine!”







The little boy was sent to Sunday School with two twenty pence coins: one for the collection and one for some sweets.  En route  a coin fell down a drain, and he lost it.   Later he told his mum about losing the coin – “The one I lost was God’s.”


He thought his mother was practising to be a ventriloquist; because she spoke to him though gritted teeth.


When asked his name, he told the teacher he was called, “Billy Stop-it.”


Two attempts to bring the Church out of the nineteenth century:

A cartoon showed what appeared to be a normal east end of a church nave.  However, on close examination, the lectern, which is normally an Eagle; was in fact a Pterodactyl!


A Youth Worker announcing a hymn said it was from “Hymns Ancient and More Ancient”, not “Hymns Ancient and Modern”!


The Scottish Psalter, quite rightly, sets the Psalms to music: they should be sung - it is the main hymnbook of the Synagogue and the Church.   The famous Psalm 137, about the "Waters of Babylon ..." has the lines:

"And blessed shall that trooper be,

Who riding on his naggy;

Shall tak' tha' wee bairns by their taes,

And ding them on the craggy."


After my careful search in the city, a reliable and honest Accountant was recommended: he was a Methodist, and by the name of Mr Penny!



I was explaining to the Grandchildren the details of Psalm 119, and asking them to calculate the number of verses in the twenty-two, 8 verse alphabetical stanzas.   Unfortunately my correct answer came at the same moment that my wife required an answer to, “How many roast potatoes do you want for dinner?” “176”!



My Grandfather worked near the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, and made the following observation.  The Publican by the canal would place a few bottles of beer on his low wall: in return he would have a yard-full of coal from the hold of the barges.  An old man nearby, placed some empty beer bottles on his low wall.  The bargees threw lumps of the black stuff at them - this yard also filled with coal.


Italian Tomato Garden:

An old Italian living alone in Brighton wanted to plant his annual tomato garden but, last year, it was very difficult work because the ground was so hard.
His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in Lewes prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

Dear Vincent, 
I am feeling pretty sad, because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to dig over the whole plot.  I know if you were here my troubles would be over.  I know you would be happy to dig the plot over for me, just like the old days.

Hope you are well.



A few days later he received a letter from his  son.
Dear Papa,
Don't dig up that bit of the garden. You might come across something you won't want to find!

At 4:30 am the next morning, twelve policeman from the local nick arrived and took two days to dig up the entire garden. Of course they found nothing, apologized to the old man and left.

That same day the old man received a second letter from his son.

Dear Papa, 

Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now.  That's the best I could do under the circumstances.   
Love you, 



A man woke-up in the middle of the night in great distress, when his wife asked him the cause, he explained.   “God spoke to me in a dream – a nightmare – He asked me to start living on ten times the amount I give to Him!”


A man asked his friend: “Do you know the two greatest problems in the World?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care!”

“Quite right.”



Series thirty-three, jokes and jottings



In the 1950’s Newcastle upon Tyne, we would go on Sunday evenings, after church, to witness in the Big Market.  The best pitch was on the steps of a large decorative fountain, at the bottom end of the slope.  Whilst we were in church, two elderly atheists would bag this pitch, and hang a blackboard on the fountain.  One evening it read: “God does not exist!” and “God is a cruel ogre!”



I do not like spending money.  When attractive men’s fashions appear, I am reluctant to buy them.  And so I have to wait ten years, or so, until they appear in the charity shops.


Thoughts on looking in the mirror:


It could be worse

You are not in cabin 13 on the Titanic

You can still look

Yes, God does have a sense of humour

Yes, it is you

It will be better after the resurrection


The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted it on the apple tray: "Take only ONE. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table, was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note: "Take all you want. God is watching the apples."



What do you get, when you cross a sheep with a mint?

Ba! Humbug


Knock, knock, who’s there?


Wenslazlas who?

When’s the last train due?


Knock. Knock

Who’s there?


Rudolf who?

“The love of money is the root of all evil!”


Life is like a tin of sardines: everybody is looking for the key.


G. K. Chesterton said:

The trouble with being open-minded is that your brains fall out!


A Schoolboy Joke:  Did you hear about the fire in a soap factory?   The roof fell in with a thickening sud!



At the time when King George the Sixth died, the then Princess Elizabeth was about to visit a particular African tribe.  Of course the visit had to be postponed, as she had to return to Britain to eventually be installed as Queen Elizabeth the Second.


The time came when she was, at last, able to fulfil her appointment.   The throne the Chieftain had prepared, had been stored away; but unfortunately it had been eaten to a state of serious damage, by termites.  As the Tribal Chieftain said in his speech to the Queen:   “It all goes to prove that people who live in grass houses, should not stow thrones!”




Archbishop John Habgood: “He who leads when no one is following is merely going for a walk.”

Bishop of Norwich, Peter Nott: In our diocese the secret of leadership is to find out which way people are wanting to go, and place yourself in front of them!”







The art of good leadership is to let people chose what they would like, and let them have their way; but only if it’s what you want.


Schoolboy joke: “Canada come out?”



Primary School teacher: “Listen to the music, and dance round the room pretending to be an animal; as long as it’s not an elephant!”


Mo Molam, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, and MP, had an audience with the Queen.  In the middle of which, her mobile rang, and she answered it.  Her Majesty, who has a dry sense of humour, said: “It must be somebody important!”


A wife criticised her husband by saying, “You live on another planet – you’re on Venus!”  To which he replied: “No, your from Venus, I’m from Mars.”


A very new and enthusiastic North London vicar was attempting to visit many of his parishioners.  At one house he noticed a guitar in the hall, and invited the fellow to join the music group at the church, if he could play, and would like to.  The next Sunday, the Music Group Leader came into the vestry: “So who invited Eric Clapton to play base guitar in the Music Group!”


Maxim: Never lend what you are not prepared to lose.


One workman to his mate with the hammer: “When I nod my head hit it.”


The father going for his siesta, “I’m just going for my beauty sleep.”  Cheeky son: “I have to tell you, Dad - it’s not working.”


A poacher took his son out one night to help keep watch.  There was a low whistle, and the man came close to the boy, “Where are they?”  He pointed in all four directions; each time the lad shook his head “Where?” The boy pointed to Heaven!


A “Christianity Magazine” article on modern trends in Consumerism and Technology: “And don’t forget: the fall of Man started with the foolish consumption of an apple product.”

[Actually, the Scriptures do not identify the fruit eaten by Eve and Adam as an apple, and it has nothing to do with the larynx cartilage.]


Abraham Lincoln comments vaguely remembered


“If all the people who fall asleep in church on Sunday mornings were laid end to end, they would be far more comfortable.”




People say: “It’s good to be alive.”

The Holy Spirit says: “To be with Christ is better by far!”

Philippians 1:23I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.”


A little girl arrived home from school during a thunder storm, very wet: “Do you know Mummy, God’s been taking my photograph using flash!”  Mother might have said the thunder was God moving His furniture.


A very young boy arrived home from school: “Do you know Mummy, Miss really likes me now: she put six crosses on my page of sums!”






True:  Chris was looking after a ‘friend’s’ pet rabbit, when she noticed that a neighbour’s pit bull terrier had broken into the garden and into the rabbit’s hutch.  She stormed to the neighbour’s and hammered on their door.   They went round to look.  The door was indeed broken open; but both animals were curled-up together in the hutch.


When a new photograph of me arrived, I said it made me look an amiable approachable fellow.

My wife collapsed with uncontrollable laughter.


I visited a Religious Studies class in Rochdale: the children were making displays of religious buildings.  From a weekend supplement, one Muslim child had cut out the Brighton Pavilion!


I was on a walking and public transport holiday to the Delemere Forest, The Wirral and The Lady Lever Gallery.  My phone call home: about where I was dining and staying ran: “The hotel is called the Marie Celeste, there is no-one about, it seems deserted.” (It was in Parkgate, on the corner of the road along the front joining one from Neston. It is now an Indian restaurant.)



 The three young children asked Granddad if he could croak like a frog.  He asked them the reason. “Daddy says we can go on a skiing holiday when Granddad croaks,” they replied.


The Irishman was asked the test question: “What does a single yellow line indicate?”  “You cannot park at all.”  “What about a double yellow line?”  “You cannot park at all, at all!”


A friend, who was an eminent Professor of Medicine, and brilliant speaker, told me this story.  The city association of psychologists invited him to address their annual dinner.  He commented, over the phone: “I suppose they all have beards and wear red waistcoats!”

To his amazement, many of them did!


I once worked with a man who had been a famous rugby player, and became Headmaster of a school for boys, in the 1970’s, where he was expected the use the cane.  He did not disappoint, and the northern mill town lads gave him the sobriety of Instant Wipp – the name of a make of custard.   My friend, Roger Carswell, who taught there, had a cane in his classroom.  One day, when a boy needed to be punished, Mr Carswell brought him to the front of the class.  “You deserve the cane; but are you willing for me to be punished instead?”  The boy could not believe his good fortune.  Carswell bent over the desk and the boy gave him the resounding whacks of the century.  In some pain Roger made the point: “Now you understand what Jesus was doing when He died for you on the Cross of Calvary!”  Many of us remember that incident well.


Mike Barry is an academic expert in dialects.  As a student he was researching the speech of a south country farmer, using a tape recorder.  The farmer was willing to hear this new-fangled machine work.  So Mike played the recording back to him: “E, that fellow he talk a lot of sense, he do!”




What I reckon to be the funniest true story I know:

In a New York theatre, a company had reached the Dress Rehearsal of “Tosca”.  Unfortunately, the soprano - who sang the final dramatic aria, before throwing herself off the tower of the Castel S. Angelo into the River Tiber, had fallen foul of the stage crew, by her continual high-handedness and arrogance.


At this final rehearsal, with a full audience, the stagehands were ready for her.  She climbed the steps of the tower, and threw herself off the battlements: expecting to land on a large pile of mattresses.  Instead the opera singer landed on a trampoline.  It is estimated that she reappeared a total of six times – in various positions: sometimes upside-down, sometimes laughing uncontrollably, occasionally cursing the air blue.


The audience were beside themselves, and she had to withdraw from the cast; in case the event was expected to be repeated every night.





An evangelist was making the point that all people have sinned: “There is no-one who is perfect – do you know anybody who is?”  “Yes!” shouted a man at the back: “My wife’s first husband.”


At an officer’s training establishment, the recruits had to record a speech, and hear it played back.  One young man fainted when he heard his own voice.


The husband was told that, if he wanted his wife to respect him like a king, then he should treat her like a queen.  As he said, after trying it: “She still looks on me as the butler!”



An advert in a Northern Ireland newspaper offered a guillotine for sale.  The vendor wished to encourage children’s work in the church, and so the notice said: “Guillotine for sale; especially suitable for use with children.”




A suggested answer phone reply:


For me, press one,

For my wife, press two

For Lucy, press three

For Jamie, press four

To record a message, press five

If you have rung the wrong number, you probably intended the local Pizza supplier, which has almost the same number, press six.

Thank you for calling, your message is important to us….


Comedian One, is answering the phone:

“You don’t say….  You don’t say….  You don’t say….”

Comedian Two, “Who was it?”

Comedian One, “He didn’t say!”



The story is told of a little old Scottish Grandmother who had to make a frightening trip to attend a family event in America.

She flew alone in great fear, stayed in New York – afraid to venture out.  In the hotel she experienced total anxiety.  Eventually the old lady had to brave a trip in the lift for the evening meal.  She was alone in the elevator until the very last moment, as the doors closed two large Negroes burst in.  “Hit the ground!” one of them shouted.  She fell to the floor shaking with fear.  The men laughed, “I was asking him to press the button for the Ground Floor!”

The next morning she came to Reception to settle her account.  “Your bill has been paid,” she was told.  The note is signed: The two men in the lift, Will Smith.

[Will Smith is a world famous actor.]


The winning joke at the Edinburgh Fringe, 2011-08-25




I needed a password eight characters long, so I chose “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.


Teacher: What are you going to do when you leave school?

Scholar: Celebrate!


The father and a large family arrived at the airport to start their holiday.  The wife observed that they had rather a large amount of luggage.  “Yes, I wish we had brought the sideboard, as well!”  When asked why.  He replied: “ I left our tickets and Passports on it!”






What to say when suddenly confronted by a TV cameraman operating his equipment: “Do not adjust your set!”


We had a particularly obnoxious Head Master at Primary School called “Pip” Walker – his brothers were, according to popular mythology, called “Squeak” and “Whistle”.  One day he became so angry in our classroom that his false teeth jumped out.  All credit to him, he caught them.


My Grandfather probably attended the same school, fifty years earlier.  One day a boy threw his writing slate at the back of the Teacher’s head – it missed, and stuck in the blackboard.  Grandfather stood up and promptly knocked the boy unconscious.  When the Headmaster came to investigate the incident, he said, “Well done, Wilkinson!”


When my son was a little boy, he reached down at the side of the bus seat, and pulled up a set of false teeth.





A man apparently wrote to the Inland Revenue Tax Office, along these lines:

I have become a Christian, and I cannot sleep at night … I must send you £125.50 that I owe in tax.  If I still cannot sleep, I will send you the rest.


My computer screen had a title: “Short Cut to Heaven”.


Bible College Principal:

Morning service, based on ‘As the deer pants for the water brooks’,  “God wants your pants!”


A student saw the word ‘Hallelujah’ written in the margin of his essay.  Was the Principal moved to praise?  No it was a spelling correction!


In the stage set of a popular opera, cannonballs high on the staircase of the castle were actually footballs painted black.  At some point they became dislodged and bounced down to the front of the stage.  This was much to the amusement of the audience.


Peter Ustinov took a young member of his family to see the inevitably long performance of a Wagner opera, at the Tel-Aviv open-air theatre.  The young person was well instructed to behave himself.  Eventually the many animals involved in the production – an elephant, donkeys, giraffes, etc, had left the stage awash with their droppings.  “Can I laugh yet?” the young man asked



Looking rather like Santa Claus, and been asked to ‘stand in’ for him, has led to many interesting experiences.

In a prison for men

I asked the governor what he wanted for Christmas (you get rather carried away in the part).  The Prison Officers around him joined in the chorus: “Early retirement!”


To the Roman Catholic Chaplain: “You do realize I am one of your Bishops!” (St Nicholas was the 4th Century Bishop of Mira)


“Why do you want a Magicians Set for Christmas?”  Reply: “To make my brother disappear.”


I passed two older teenagers kicking a ball about in the street, and sensed I was in for trouble.  I was nicely beyond them when I heard, quietly: “I want an aeroplane.” 


“That’s not Santa, that’s Dougie!” (Next-door neighbour’s child)


The Anglican Chaplain was particularly talented: he knew the children who would be visiting the Men’s Prison, but he trusted them to choose the right present he had selected for them at the warehouse.  All went well until a boy picked a mauve coloured lady’s bathroom set (talcum powder, bath oils, etc).  “Why have you chosen that?” asked the Chaplain.  “To give to my Mum on Christmas Day,” came the moving reply.


What a joy to see a mature prisoner and his son, pushing a large red fire-engine across the floor to each other, for most of the visiting time. 


I think some of the inmates envied my disguise as a cover for an escape. 


The children in my street were fascinated when I arrived home in my red uniform.







One of the new intake classes was testing me to see how far they could go with misbehaviour.  I selected one boy to be made to stand outside the classroom door.  As the Head Master did not like scholars being out of the class, I waited only a few minutes, before – keeping my eyes on the class – I reached out of the open door to find the tie of the boy, and drag him back inside.  The whole class dissolved in laughter: Mr Ashworth had found the boy in the corridor, and lectured him on good behaviour – it was my good friend Mr Ashworth, who was dragged in by his tie!


As a little girl at school, my daughter had to ask the teacher how to spell Unit.  “U nit,” came the unthoughout reply.


His friend asked a solicitor, if he could act on his behalf.  “Yes, of course,” he replied.

“How much do you charge?”  So many dollars for the first three questions, he was told. “What is your third question?”


The wife was following my friend Ray home from church down a narrow lane.  Suddenly he braked.  Another car, following close behind, ran into the wife’s car.  The wife angrily jumped out, and told the driver of the third car she was going to call the police.  “We are police,” came the reply.


The man said: “I’ll take my chance with the thief on the Cross.”  “Which one?” the evangelist replied.


One of the funniest episodes of “Dad’s Army” told the story of the Home Guard platoon guarding the crew of a Nazi submarine crew.  Private Pike sang a rather insulting ditty about Adolf Hitler. The U-boat commander threatened to write this infringement in his little black book: “What is your name boy?” he shouted.  Captain Manwaring interposed: “Don’t tell him Pike!”


A local Registrar told me of his Aunt who knocked ten years off her age, so that she would be more eligible for a marriage suitor.  This in fact meant that she never drew her Old Age Pension.


A vicar had a rather important service to take, regarding finance, and so was disappointed to find a stand-in organist on duty.  He explained the need for extra finances, and would all who would donate to the special fund to stand, whilst the music played for a few minutes.  The new organist struck-up the National Anthem!


A little boy was awakened by the broken grandfather clock striking 15.  He jumped out of bed, and ran to his Mother: “Mummy, Mummy, its later than it’s ever been before!”


John Ortberg has written several books with humorous titles:

            “Everybody’s normal ‘till you get to know them”

            “If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat”

“When the game is over, it all goes back in the box”.


In a talk about the greatness of Jesus, he pointed out that we name our children after the Disciples: Mary, Elizabeth, Peter, James, Paul; but our dogs after: Satan, Caesar, and Nero.



SERIES THIRTY-NINE, Jottings and jokes



Waiters and Menus can be a source of amusement.

On a walking holiday we were staying an hotel, which was far too expensive for us, but the only one for miles, I came to order Breakfast: “Could I have partridge, please.”

            “I’m sorry Sir, they are out of season.”

Working my way down the menu: “Oh, I’ll try trout.”

            “I am sorry Sir, the rivers are polluted.”

The end result was a delightful breakfast of: Poached Egg on Finnan Haddock.



At a pleasant Victorian style café in Wakefield

“You are too late for Breakfast, Madam.”

“Bacon sandwich with an egg – we have run out of eggs.”

“Smoked salmon and Pea Risotto?”  “We have not had that on the menu for ages!”

“Jacket Potato?”  “We have no potatoes.”

“Would it be easier, if you told us what you do have?”  This was all in good humour.


When an atheist hears someone sneeze, does he say, “Curse you!”


If young family member’s room is untidy, you can encourage them by saying: “The ceiling is very tidy!”


A young scholar from Pakistan had just opened a Bible and glanced through it quickly: “It reads like a love story – there’s ‘love’ on every page!”



After severe gale damage, do not tell your neighbour that he has a slate missing.


In a café, do not say you feel like a cucumber sandwich – how do cucumber sandwiches feel.



To an inquisitive person: “Can you keep a secret?”  Enthusiastic, “Yes!”  Reply: “So can I.”   [Not always appreciated.]


“It is not a new hairdresser you need, it is a solicitor.”


“Is that smell your perfume, or have you been using fly spray?”


Do not burst out coughing loudly behind someone trying out a perfume in a pharmacy.


Is your perfume a derivative of nerve gas?



My granddaughter’s joke: Iron Man is really a Fe. Male!








If everyone jumped into the Dock, I would give-in to peer/pier pressure.


I took offence at the hairdresser: he said “Curl-up and dye?”


My bin goes out more often than I do.


Youth worker’s joke: A butcher says he will give a reward if a customer can reach a piece of meat hanging from some high hooks.  Reply: “Sorry the steaks/stakes are too high.”



In the days of National Service, the young airmen were often invited to homes, after church services, for a cup of tea or a meal.  One such young man was of a mind to ask God for guidance about finding a wife.  He noticed that when asked if he would like a second cup of tea, and he requested only a half-cup, he was inevitably given a full one.  If a young lady gave him his request, she might just be the right one.  This did indeed happen.  When they had been married for some weeks, he told about the guidance, and his beautiful young wife replied: “Yes, I’m so sorry; there was only a drop left in the teapot!”


Insurance claims connected with travel:

A bride’s dream Caribbean wedding was ruined after her dress caught fire by the barbecue.  The groom picked up his wife and threw her into the sea, to put it out.


Two holidaymakers in Devon filed a claim for damage to the paintwork of their car, after it had been licked by a herd of cows.


Two children in Cornwall buried their parents’ video camera in the sand, to prevent it from being stolen, when they went swimming.  But they could not remember where.


A young British traveller, distracted by the appearance of a group of women in bikinis, broke his nose when he walked into a bus shelter in Athens.


A pensioner, whose false teeth fell out as he vomited over the side of the cruise ship, put in a claim to the travel insurers for some new dentures, under the heading of “Lost Baggage”.



The US Government Peace Corps Manual, for volunteers working in the Amazonian jungle, details what to do if an anaconda attacks you.  Related to the boa constrictor, the anaconda is the largest snake species in the World – it grows to thirty-five feet in length, and weighs between three to four hundred pounds.

  1. If this snake attacks you, do not run – as the snake travels faster than you.
  2. Lie flat on the ground and put your arms tight against your side, and your legs tight against one-another.
  3. Tuck your chin in
  4. The snake will begin to nudge and then climb over your body.
  5. Do not panic.
  6. After the anaconda has examined you, it will begin to swallow you from the feet end – always from the feet end.  Permit the snake to swallow your feet and ankles – do not panic.
  7. The snake will now begin to suck your legs into its body; you must lie perfectly still.  This will take a long time. 
  8. When the snake has reached your knees, slowly, and with as little movement as possible, reach down and take your knife, and very gently slide it into the side of the anaconda’s mouth, between the edge of its mouth and your leg; then suddenly rip upwards: severing the snake’s head.
  9. Be sure you have your knife.
  10. Be sure your knife is sharp.




The Bible says love your neighbours and love your enemies: probably because they are usually the same people.



What would you do if your herd of cattle had been frozen-near-to-death in cold weather?  “I’d send for the TV personality Thora Herd!”


My doctor prescribed some pain killing tablets in case the Allopurinol did not work for my gout.  It struck me that I should read the details, which were included in the packet.  They warned that my breasts might swell and start lactating – producing milk.  I quickly rang the chemist.  He panicked!  He would have the correct prescription at my door within fifteen minutes.  Was I going to report him for his serious mistake?  “No.  You have given me such a good story – don’t worry!”  Both types were torpedo-shaped, and coloured half in Venetian red and half in Naples yellow.






A 252 was the number of the form on which charges were written in the Forces.  Never wanting to be put on a 252, my friend quaked when he announced hymn number 252, when leading worship.


On explaining to my very young granddaughter the dangers of not drying one’s hand properly in cold weather, I said or Jack Frost will bight.  I will never forget the withering look – surely you don’t believe in Jack Frost, do you?


I was handing round various kinds of sandwiches.  As I held one plate to a friend the words came out: “Egg, Bert?”


There was the crewmember, who entered the cockpit of an airliner with the words: “Hi! Jack.”  The rapid response team were there in minutes: guns at the ready.


There are two obvious forms of humour: hyperbole (exaggeration), and the unexpected.  Jesus tended to use both in His parables.  I was surprised when a Bangladeshi friend used the word “Hyperbolic.”  I had never used the word – “Surely you have been to university?”  “Yes.  I have a Master’s Degree in Shakespearian Literature.”



Rev Miles Toulmin, of Holy Trinity Brompton, set off from the Focus Holiday Week in Lincolnshire, to travel with his young family to their home in London.  He was mystified when his Sat-Nav led him to first of all leave the major road for a minor, then to a narrow country lane, and finally into a field.  He suspected that something was wrong – this was not the quickest motorway route.  He and his wife examined the settings on the instrument: the source and target of their journey were correct; it was the means of travel, which was wrong: not by car, but on foot!


The preacher worries about he will start his sermon; the congregation about how he will stop.


A lecture at the Christian Resources exhibition: How to preach for half an hour and make it seem like 10 minutes.  The reverse is sometimes true: How to preach for ten minutes, and make it seem like 30.


You have to know how the Alpha Course is run – An Alpha Organizer in Zimbabwe said he found it hard to find a wife.  Every time he found a suitable lady, he knelt down and said, “Will you marry me?”  She always replied: “Now that’s a really interesting question, what do we all think?”


Interesting commercial names: “Hair and Hounds”, dog grooming, and

“Head Master” – hairdresser


The thirteen year olds started their year by studying from Genesis chapter one, and reaching into Exodus by the springtime.  We had been reading about the Burning Bush, in Exodus 3.  As I came to my home, at teatime, in the country lane beyond my house there was a bush, by the side of the road on fire; quite an unnerving experience – it was disintegrating.  A stray fag-end from a passing car driver?


Schoolboy joke: She is a suicide blond: dyed by her own hand.


Listed in a census under Residence:

Private House

Private House

Private House



“On Ilkley Moor ‘bah tat” was sung to a hymn tune by a church choir on an outing.  “While shepherds watch their flocks by night” fits it well.  Ilkley people were annoyed for many years by diesel train drivers playing the opening notes using the hooters, as they drove along Wharfedale.  The line is now electrified.






Newspaper articles and adverts may well outdo Church magazines:


Get 50% off, or half price, whichever is less.


Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25



Question: What is a millionaire?

Answer: A millionaire is someone who has $1 million, according to Jerry Beto, branch manager and senior vice president of investments at AG Edwards and Sons.


One-armed man applauds the kindness of strangers.



An Australian Army vehicle worth $74,000 has gone missing after being painted with camouflage.  Police are seeking public help to find the four-wheel drive.












2.58 p.m. The Learning Centre on Hanson Street reports a man across the way stands at his window for hours watching the centre; making parents nervous. Police ID the subject as a cardboard cutout of Arnold Schwarzenegger.



Lower Duck Pond, Lithia Park, Ashland.  Police responded to a report of two dogs attacking ducks at about 11.20 a.m. Sunday.

 The officer cited a resident for the loose dogs.  The ducks refused medical treatment and left the area, according to police records.


Police checked the area and found an open door in the back of the building.  An officer went inside and called out, “Marco.”

 The man’s name was not Marco, detective Tim Dohr said, “The officer was trying to inject some humour into the situation.”

Police found the suspect after he responded, “Polo.”



Notice at Whalley Abbey: Dogs must be lead.


True: A man was in his newsagents paying for morning papers.  He asked about puzzle books: did women or men tend to buy them.  As he expected: ladies were the main customers for them.  His explanation being that men had plenty to puzzle over with their wives, whereas women could easily figure-out their husbands.


True: A man was greeted in a church bookshop with the words, “Where do you worship?”  He replied that he worshipped: on trains, walking along the street, driving along the motorway, at football matches, at home …   and in his local church services.






One of the school staff was keen on amateur dramatics: he needed a skeleton, and borrowed the specimen from the Biology Department.  The only way to transport it safely was strapped into the passenger seat of his car.  He received many strange looks.


What did the tie say to the bowler hat?  “I’ll hang around here, while you go on ahead!”


When the aged man went to the Hairdressers, he was asked what he wanted.  “A search and cut, please!”


Shop Assistant: “You look like Santa Claus.”

Aged man with white beard: “Shhh!  I’m travelling incognito.”


His mother had given him two 20p coins: one for the collection at church, the other for sweets.  One of them slipped out of his hand and was lost down a grating.  He bought the sweets, and explained that it was God’s twenty pence that was lost.


In one of the most challenging evangelistic sermons there was quite a lot of humour, at the beginning.

David had a very thin brother at the battle with the Philistines: He was so thin that when he stuck his tongue out, he looked like a zip fastener.  He was so thin that he only had one stripe in his pyjamas.  He was so thin that he had to run round in the shower to get wet. Goliath died saying, “Nothing like this has ever entered my head before.”


His mother took a little boy to a wedding.  When the Vicar appeared, the boy cried out, “Look there’s Batman!”


A young Methodist Minister, in Horsforth, was sitting in his study at the Chapel, when an attractive young lady knocked and entered, with the question: “Will you marry me?”  His mind quickly adjusted to his position as a Minister able to solemnize weddings.


Sell ice cream while the sun shines.


A train in the station is worth two on the timetable.


Serious: Jesus calls us to follow Him – there is no kind of hardship that he has not endured.



The art tutor said, in desperation to the Christian student, “Even if we gave you the ‘Cricket’, you’d give it a Christian meaning!”  Quick as a flash, he replied: “Peter stood up with the Eleven, and was bold (bowled).”


Who was the first businessman in the Bible?  Noah: when the World became solvent, he floated a limited company.


Who rode a motorbike in the Bible?  Moses: the sound of his Triumph was heard in the camp.


Who was the largest woman in the Bible? The woman of Samaria (sum area)


I pulled into a Lake District car park in my old Sunbeam Rapier.  The family piled out, and saw a lady feeding the beginning of a large bar of chocolate to some peacocks.  Her husband called for her, from his Jaguar, to hurry-up.  She passed the bar of chocolate to my three-year old son.  He watched until the car was out of the car park.  You can guess the rest – the peacocks went hungry.




An enterprising teacher gave her class the first half of proverbs, and asked them to suggest a completion.


Strike while the … the bug is close

Never underestimate the power of … termites

Don’t bite the hand that … looks dirty

No news is … impossible

A miss is as good as a … Mr

You can’t teach an old dog … new Math(s)

Love all.  Trust … me

The pen is mightier than the … pigs

The idle mind is … the best way to relax

Where there’s smoke, there’s … pollution

A penny saved is … not much

Laugh and the whole World laughs with you, cry and … you have to blow your nose

There are none so blind as … Steve Wonder

Children should be seen and not … spanked or grounded

If you don’t at first succeed … get new batteries

You get out of something, only what … you see in the picture on the box

When the blind lead the blind … get out of the way



A member of music group playing in Wales wanted to impress his new local girlfriend, so he asked a Welsh friend to teach him how to say goodnight, romantically.  When they came to part for the evening, he looked into her eyes and said, in Welsh: “Fruit cake.”


Before telephones were in general use, a Vicar went into the city to order the Christmas Banner. Because he forgot the details his telegram to his wife drew a reply causing consternation in the Post Office: Unto us a son is born, six feet long and three feet wide.



A talented Magician earned a good living by performing on expensive cruise ships. But on one, the Captain owned a parrot, which kept calling out things like: “It’s up his sleeve,”  “Look under the table cloth,” “His assistant has  it in a bag.” Tragically the ship sank, and the Magician and the parrot found themselves alone on a life raft.  After three days, the parrot spoke, “Alright, I give up, where have you hidden the ship?”


Their cat found a funeral urn which had contained ashes, broken on the floor, and used it as a litter tray!

 A Clergyman was being interviewed for a higher post, but the question of his singleness arose. The senior lady academic asked, “And what about marriage?”

His reply: “I think we should get to know each other better, first.”

The lady left the interview for the common room – after a few seconds, there was a laud burst of laughter.

I was moved briefly to a major hospital for a complex investigation. I had a pleasant chat with the Chaplain – could he tell my Vicar that was unavailable to read the lesson tomorrow. He agreed and left saying that he would see me again. I told that I might not be here. He replied that he was sorry, he did not realise it was so serious. “No, I will be moving back to my local hospital.”

The retired teacher was trying to comfort a nervous scholar about to go on a school camp at Robin Wood. “Don’t worry its right up your street.” When they met some time after, the boy complained: “I had a good check and it’s nowhere near my street, they are miles apart.”

An elderly man checked the Obituary in his local paper, and was horrified to see his own death mentioned. He phoned a friend who had been equally shocked. “By the way, where are you ringing from?”

Canon White’s jokes: YOU KNOW IT IS A BAD DAY WHEN –

Your twin sister forgets your birthday.

Your water bed leaks ... but you don’t have one.

You put both contact lenses in the same eye.

The TV newscaster is giving escape routes from your street.

Your car horn sticks ON, and you are following a crowd of Hell’s Angels.

Neil, a Member of Parliament, was showing three friends round the House of Commons, when a fully robed Peer stepped out in front of them, and to called his acquaintance, “Neil!” The three friends immediately fell to their knees.

An elderly lady was being a nuisance in a camping shop: “What is the mirror behind the compass needle for?” “That’s to show you who is lost!”

I was preaching in Worth Baptist Church in Yorkshire. The hymn was announced, and the organist played the music of a verse, followed by the first note. But before the congregation could sing it, an ice cream van sounded its jingle and completely threw them.

At the same place, from the pulpit I could see the shape of a boy climbing up behind the half pane of frosted glass in a side window. As his face came over the top, he found himself staring into my eyes, and promptly fell off the window sill.

In ordering from a catalogue over the phone, the lady taking my order wished to show gentleness in dealing with an elderly man. In taking the Debit Card lengthy details, she eventually asked, “And what is your expiry date?” “I have no idea ... but I am looking forward to it.” She wont ask anyone that again; but it did give me a good story.

I was prescribed a strong pain killer until my gout was taken under control. It occurred to me, unusually, to read the leaflet in the box. “Your breasts might swell, and you might start lactating ....” I had been given the wrong tablets! The Pharmacist was crestfallen. He would be with me within minutes with the safe ones; was I going to report him? No, I assured, I have such a good joke to tell. It was a easy mistake: both tablets were torpedo shaped, and coloured Indian Red and Naples Yellow.

If you asked, “Are you all right?”, my Auntie Clara would invariably reply, “Only up to the middle, and then I’m left.”

The young man turned to his girlfriend, and said, “I would ask you to marry me, but you might say yes.”

An optimist golfer cannot find the ball he has hit from the tee on a par three, so he looks in the hole.

A pessimist golfer cannot see where his ball has gone, so he tees-up a second.

Professor Albert Einstein was asked by the train ticket Inspector for his ticket; he rummaged about could not find. “Don’t worry I know who you are Dr Einstein.” Several times he passed by and the Doctor was always searching. “I told you not to worry.” “But I need to know where I am going!”

The Headmistress asked the new boy his name. “Goo’i”, came the reply. The boy’s sister agreed. Finally the mother confirmed the name. When asked to spell it, the mother said, “G U Y .”

At the same school, a master asked if any of the new intake could count. A boy had been taught by his granddad: “One, two .... nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King!”

At the beautiful municipal golf course I would tee-off at the first; from a cliff on the edge of a quarry, filled with brambles and saplings. One morning, after ignoring the hazards, I could not find my ball in the undergrowth, but found another one, covered in red paint. So I played on with it. The second fairway was level, but the third was a par three, downhill, without much grass. I could not find the ball, so I asked two ladies who were teeing-off. “That was not your ball, it was mine,” one replied. This gave me the wonderful line:” Didn’t you think it strange, that you lost it on the first, and it caught you up at the third!” They were not amused.

I was handing out church invites by the lake; as one lady walked on, she said, “Bye Darling, see you tomorrow!” I was framing my reply, “Not if I see you first ....”, when I realised, she was talking to someone on her mobile phone!

An Australian Prime Minister was on a visit to an Old People’s Home. He asked an elderly lady, “Do you know who I am?” “No I don’t, but if you go to the front desk, they will tell you. They know everybody staying here.”

When posted to Air Traffic Control the standard joke was played successfully on me: “Where do you live?” “The link trainer goes there at weekends.”What is it like? Well it has the tail of a Tiger Moth, nose of a Mosquito, cockpit of a Lancaster ...” Actually it was a small dummy electrically operated training device in a classroom. Eventually the penny dropped for me, and I continued to let them think I was conned.

The speakers and senior members of Christian Brethren fellowships used to wear black jackets and pin-stripe trousers. The husband invited the speaker home for lunch. The displeased wife thought she saw her husband bending down in the cloakroom, and gave him a hearty kick – “That’s for inviting the speaker for lunch.” It was the speaker!

The seating in the Brethren Assembly consisted of wooden forms with metal supports, set in from the ends. The person at one end stood quickly for the final hymn – resulting in the worshipper at the other end being slid to the floor. The hymn: “Too soon we rise,” brought the congregation to hysterics.

We had a dog which ran to hide when it heard the words, “Walkies!” Testing whether creatures understand the general impression of our speech, I tried it on the sparrows in the hedge: assuring them of their welcome in my garden. Inviting them to sing for me, they regularly come when I stand at the door. “I will sing for you!” When I started, they fled.

Subtitles on the TV screen are a constant source of jokes. The nation of Qatar became Catarrh,

Rabbits became Rapids

School teacher to scholar: I must have told you a million times not to exaggerate.

Mother: What did you learn about at Bible Class?

Little boy: We sang about a boy who stole an old man's watch.

The old man meek and mild,

The priest of Israel slept.

His watch the Temple child,

The little Levi kept.

An American driving in Ireland was lost so he stopped to ask the way.

The reply: “Well, I wouldn't start from here,”